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What are some ways to include people in a conversation?

Posted - February 9, 2017


  • 2658
    Invitation..say something that explicitly lets a person know it is their turn to speak.
      February 9, 2017 10:44 AM MST

  • Take a breath once in awhile so the other person can have a chance to speak.   A lot of people don't do that.
      February 9, 2017 12:39 PM MST

  • Ask for their opinion, or just ask questions about them personally. Open the door and let them into the discussion.
      February 9, 2017 1:59 PM MST

  • Well said as they need to feel they are wanted at times in the conversation.
      February 9, 2017 2:38 PM MST

  • 53394
    You stole my answer; what are you trying to do, exclude me from the conversation?  Grrrrrrrrrrr!

      March 11, 2017 7:07 AM MST

  • Sometimes you have to work hard to find anything they're interested in, but it can keep things rolling.
      March 11, 2017 2:23 PM MST

  • 17261
    Being open anod sincerely interested in what they have to say. Our body language will expose us, both positively as negatively.
      February 9, 2017 4:03 PM MST

  • 10026
    I find all your suggestions and thoughts very encouraging.  Sometimes we need that extra nudge to feel the confidence to join a conversation.  Being around people who make everyone's opinion just as important as the others.  It sounds like all of you would be great to take to a party.  Thanks for all your input!  Awesome conversationalists! :) :) 
      February 11, 2017 2:56 AM MST