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Being a Christian is not like wearing a coat. You put it on and take off when convenient. It is a 24/7 occupation. Agree/dis/why?

Posted - February 12, 2017


  • 22891
    thats true since it can also be inconvenient
      February 12, 2017 3:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply pearl! :)
      February 17, 2017 4:33 AM MST

  • 3719
    I wouldn't call it an "occupation" unless you are a member of the clergy but no, you can't really change belief back and forth to suit circumstances.

    That's no excuse for taking Christianity so zealously that it makes you and every around you miserable, but either you believe in God and Jesus or you don't. How you worship God, and how often, is another matter.

       -  You don't need to be boring Sabbatarian fundamentalist, rabidly stop-the-world Creationist, "Born Again" guitar-twanger or High Church icon-and-incense waver.

       - You do still need to assume God exists and is running the Universe, to treat others in a Christian manner (so that's barred some of the above types), and to set aside time for worship and reflection, otherwise there's little point in calling yourself a Christian. The Society of Friends (the 'Quakers') seem to have a pretty good form of worship based on companionable contemplation and mutual support, and in 19C Britain at least, the businessmen among them gained an enviable reputation for the humanity they showed as, in their own view, Christian duty, to their employees.

    I don't believe in God, though I'd find the Islamic belief that leaves God unique and ineffable by respecting Jesus as a very good teacher but nevertheless entirely human, easier to take even though I'd certainly not want the faith itself. ('Islam' means approximately, 'I surrender [to God]').

    I used to know someone who was not, as far as I know, religious, but was fond of catching people out by asking, "Do you think the principles taught by Jesus are a very good model for life?" He told me most people, especially non-believers, answered the question he had not asked and I have not quoted! For the record, I think the humanist aspects are, but I don't have to believe in God to do so - -I just leave the holy aspects to those who do. 
      February 16, 2017 6:07 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your very thoughtful exposition on religion Durdle. I appreciate it. Here is what I think. The so-called religious folks who support ANYONE who is a racist/bigot/misogynist/liar/cranky retaliator/dangerous braggart even temporarily are really fooling no one but themselves. I do believe in God. I don't make a big deal out of it because it's between God and me and no one else's business. But there is this for those of us who believe..."What you do to the least of mine you do to me" AND "Love thy neighbor as thyself". I take both of those very seriously and try my best to remember that at all times. Am I always successful and kind? No I'm not. But I ALWAYS am mindful that is how I should be and never stop trying. I think religion should be LIVED 24/7 in DEEDS not just words. Those who can rattle off quotes from the Bible by rote do not impress me if they are racists and treat other humans with contempt, derision and hate. I have their number. So does God. He is not impressed with them and they are clueless. They do not realize you can't be a KKK member and also a  Church Deacon. You either do or do not believe in God. If you don't that's fine. Many Atheists treat other people with far more kindness and consideration than so-called Christians do. That is ironic. You don't need to believe in God to be a fine human being. And believing in God while you are a rotten despicable person does not make you okay in His eyes.  That's how I feel. I can't stand phonies and hypocrites and we are surrounded by them and drowning in them. They proliferate like rabbits.  SIGH. :(
      February 17, 2017 4:42 AM MST