Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Odds wise what might kill you one of these days?

Odds wise what might kill you one of these days?

5 days a week I have a  4 mile walk down the busiest highway on the Island. During the walk I see thousands of things that got throw out of cars - fell off the back of trucks and pieces of re-tred tire and I figure chances are I might get hit with something one day. Hopefully it will only be a bag of garbage from Mc Donald but if it's a big piece of re-tred or a dinning room table it will  probably kill me because the traffic is moving at 100 kilometers an hour. Cheers!

Posted - February 14, 2017


  • 7812
    I'll end up dying by my own hands.
      February 14, 2017 7:18 PM MST

  • 7683
    Don't say that even for fun,Zack!
      February 14, 2017 7:24 PM MST

  • 7683
    I try to see a silver lining in even in the darkest cloud...
      February 14, 2017 7:27 PM MST

  • 1713
    Those idiot drivers who don't bother looking before pulling into traffic. My poor little car might end up being a pancake with me squished inside.
      February 14, 2017 7:27 PM MST

  • 2327
    Ain't that the truth! I hate those people. Gives me a near-heart attack every time. 
      February 14, 2017 8:07 PM MST

  • 1713
    Yeah, every time that happens I get really shaky and feel like puking for a while afterward. I guess it's a good thing I pay close attention to the road and my surroundings while I'm driving. Sometimes they pop out unexpected though.
      February 15, 2017 5:51 AM MST

  • 2327
    Heart attack or stroke, probably. I'm young, but I have very high bad cholesterol. 
      February 14, 2017 8:08 PM MST

  • Like you, I walk every day. I'm so slow that it's potentially dangerous for me to cross the highway so I wear one of those high-visibility yellow work shirts. I'm probably going to be killed by a colour-blind motorist steering a four-wheel drive with one hand while texting with the other.
      February 14, 2017 8:22 PM MST

  • 1. Some moron texting and driving.
    2. Stress--leading to a heart attack or stroke.
    3. My career. I'm a security officer and often have to detain scumbags and criminals. Many who are high on one or more drugs.

      February 14, 2017 9:35 PM MST