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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Trump is the enemy of all Mexico and anything to do with THEM. Now we have sycophants trying to gain his favor just to join that WHITE RICH Bandwagon. What else can it be?

Trump is the enemy of all Mexico and anything to do with THEM. Now we have sycophants trying to gain his favor just to join that WHITE RICH Bandwagon. What else can it be?

American Latinos for Donald Trump expressed outrage on Monday against the mainstream media for coverage given to Hispanics who support Trump – specifically pointing to a Politico article published on Sunday titled, “The lonely lives of Latinos for Trump.”

Mark F., who wishes to leave his last name anonymous, was interviewed by Politico and briefly mentioned in the article because he produced many videos for a group on Twitter, “Latinos for Trump.” He said he thought it was unfair that Politico portrayed Latinos as lonely.


“I am not ‘Lonely.’ My whole family is voting for Trump. I am very vocal in my family about it. I don’t hide it,” Mark F. told Breitbart News in response to the Politico story. “If it was Latinos For Hillary or Latinos For Bernie, the [mainstream] media would never ask such questions.”

“I felt insulted that he would write how ‘lonely’ we are,” Victor – who also wouldn’t disclose his last name, but is on Twitter as @elvatoteporocho – added, after also being approached for an interview by Politico. “It felt like there was an ulterior motive for reaching out to us, not to actually do a story on us, but to do a type of hit [piece] to disenfranchise us, to try and show people we are not real or try and prove we were fake. It was very insulting to a few of us.”

Mark F. says one video he produced received 100,000 views on YouTube within the first 24-hours and was shared by Trump on his Facebook page, where it then received more than one million views.

“I thought it was odd he was trying [to interview] everyone in the Latinos For Trump video. I had a feeling he was trying to dig dirt on Trump,” Mark F. added of the Politico reporter, saying many of the individuals in the video were approached for an interview.

Angelo Gomez, an 18-year-old unpaid intern for the Trump campaign, was featured in a video shared by Mark F. and also briefly mentioned in the Politico article. He expressed the same frustration as Mark F. during an interview with Breitbart News on Monday.

“He was definitely trying to dig up dirt on Donald Trump,” Gomez said of the Politico reporter.

He was asking if we were paid and he was also asking if I was offended by Trump’s comments about illegal immigration and I said that no one is being paid. It’s completely grassroots and I’m not offended by what Donald Trump is saying because I’m an American first and I even told him that I’m offended by what the media says – that they don’t call Latinos ‘Americans,’ they just call us Latinos.

“I’m offended when they group us all together with illegal immigrants,” Gomez added. “I’m not offended by what Trump is saying because I have huge dreams for my future too and based on what Trump is saying and what Hillary is saying, Hillary is never going to put Americans first because she’s in the pockets of so many foreign countries.”

“I think that Donald Trump is the only one that is going to be able to preserve our country for me to be able to achieve success and for my generation to be able to achieve success,” Gomez added.

He said the Politico article “shows how biased the media is.”

Posted - July 11, 2016


  • 35073
    No Trump is the enemy of illegal immigration and open borders. Trump is the enemy of bad trade deals.
      July 11, 2016 11:52 AM MDT