Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Do you direct your wrath/judgment/criticism/attack at the source of your annoyance or the messenger? How is the messenger at fault?
"Kill the Messenger" has always been the accepted practice. lol.
No offense meant, just an observation after reading most of your posts here Rosie: if you are talking about yourself being the messenger as I believe you are (I've seen you respond with the claim you are the messenger a couple of times here), well, I would have to be honest and respectfully say that you aren't a messenger. Messengers simply carry messages and are dispassionate when delivering them. It's their job. What you are doing here is voicing your opinion. Your anger and frustration are apparent. I understand your position and I'm certainly not condemning you for it. But, there are others on here that have a different interpretation on what is occurring and no amount of disagreeing or arguing will change that. Everyone has a right to their viewpoint.