Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What is something you wish you were better at?

What is something you wish you were better at?

Posted - February 18, 2017


  • Thinking things through.. playing strategically, tactically.. I can't do that.. I am pure reaction..even i don't know what I am going to do half the time.. lol hey me n Trump would make a great pair wouldn't we :P
      February 18, 2017 12:53 PM MST

  • 952
    Lolzz! No darling, you still deserve something far better!
      February 18, 2017 12:56 PM MST

  • I wish I was better at:
    -controlling my temper
    -thinking before I speak
    - not falling down stairs ... Or up them :/ meh
    - listening
    - being taller
    - cooking
    - remwbering to eat
    - replying to emails and texts on time 
    - I'm pretty much awesome at everything else ... So that's all then :)
      February 18, 2017 1:57 PM MST

  • 952
    If it is really so then keep them in mind and try improving everyday by giving a slight extra effort! You will feel the change!
      February 18, 2017 2:01 PM MST

  • Yeah :)
      February 18, 2017 2:07 PM MST

  • Tact :(
      February 18, 2017 3:09 PM MST

  • 3
    Making friends, being likable, socializing in general. I'm really not built for human interaction 
      February 18, 2017 3:27 PM MST

  • 952
    Oh Keep trying.. Best of Luck!
      February 19, 2017 11:49 AM MST

  • 7788
    Flirting because I suck. LOL
      February 18, 2017 3:28 PM MST

  • 22891
    getting employed, wish i was better at that
      February 18, 2017 8:45 PM MST

  • 952
    Good wishes for you Pearl!
      February 19, 2017 11:50 AM MST

  • I am good at many things, perhaps not so much at others, but I think I could always be better at everything. 
      February 19, 2017 11:55 AM MST

  • Talking to people. I'm such a  introvert and not good with eye contact.
      February 19, 2017 11:56 AM MST