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Shouldn't Trump pay for his trips to Florida on weekends? Let him pay for himself?

Posted - February 18, 2017


  • Well it does seem a bit's HIS choice to have weekends away and his choice to go there rather than Camp David.. SO he should pay. Why should the hard working Americans he claims to care about pay? Will that help the country improve finances? $9million so far apparently. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 18, 2017 7:08 PM MST
      February 18, 2017 1:41 PM MST

  • Then Obama should pay this back, by your reasoning.
      February 18, 2017 7:46 PM MST

  • Wellllll Obama will be having to pay a LOT less won't he than Trumpet.  No one's saying that he cant have holidays and be protected while on them... however this is a whole new ball game.. he's having a weekend away ever week so far.. @$3 mill plus a pop.. how long do you think it will be before he tops anything Obama could possibly even imagine?? @$3 mil a go it won't take long to outstrip Obama's hols.. 
    More to the point Obama didn't PROFIT from his vacations.. Trump is... via that AND the Trump tower...
    I am finding that whenever I state something it's always turned into an attack on someone else.. if I say something about Trump people go on about Clinton and try to say she was as bad.. or else it's obama... I wonder if anyone else can see this is classic avoidance of the issue.. it's termed attack is the best form of defence... and the thing is.. when it's directed at me then it's illogical.. since I am neither a Clinton or Obama supporter... so really if anyone's trying to needle me by turning the attack round to attack MY supposed favourite.. it's pointless cos I don't give a toss about any of them.. I merely observe and reflect.
      February 19, 2017 4:50 AM MST

  • And being the wholly conscientious person I am ... I followed your link.. as I say I am independent as an observer... and here's what I read...

    >>As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.<<

    lol I rest my case :P  Trumpet costs the country $3 mill EVERY Weekend he goes away... every... and Obama had 8 vacations in 8 years.. 8.. and in total they cost $3.5 mil.. do you see the disparity here????  Obama cost $89 mil in total... I am stating over the $85 quoted here...

    THis shouldn't be about defending the indefensible with  getting peeved when someone says something about our beloved leader... it's just a simple case of obtaining the lets do the maths... 

      February 19, 2017 5:03 AM MST

      February 19, 2017 7:28 AM MST

  • LOL Karen, a hundred credits to you for making me feel mildly exasperated :) THese are good things when it means we are stretched, even if it is only in patience.. 
    SO.. yes, but please DO see that this doesn't correct ANYTHING i have said - does it.. It says exactly the same as the previous link.. Obama cost $85 mil.. over his 8 years.. no one is disputing he had vacations NO one is disputing his holidays cost in total $10 mil.. 
    What you aren't seeming to get is that say it was $10 mil...over 8 years ok? With me so far? cool.. Trump has cost $9 in just 3 weekends... and add to that the amount they have to spend on both rent AND protecting Trumpet Tower...  do you see?? Please say you do 

    Additionally one of the articles you sent me said that OBama had less holidays than his prev, Republican predecessor 
      February 19, 2017 7:54 AM MST

  • 5808
    Him and his family are going to bankrupt the USA
      February 18, 2017 2:22 PM MST

  • If Trump has to pay for his trips than Obama needs to repay the American people for his many Hawaii and golf trips.
      February 18, 2017 3:06 PM MST

  • Many??? Is that a truly accurate description? Are you quite sure?? I mean if we were to compare that to Trump costing your country, you the tax payer $3 million every weekend and that's without other holidays he might want.. and all while he is costing the country a min of $4.5 million every week HE is profiting from it... so he's taking and making money while making everyone else pay
      February 18, 2017 3:27 PM MST

  • 34595
    Obama golfed over 300 times during his term all over the country. That accounts for every weekend for 6 yrs. And of course he also enjoyed many vacations as well. 
      February 18, 2017 5:40 PM MST

  • And there is proof of that is there? Or is this supposition and an attempt at attack is the best form of defence? as I said above to someone else.. I do wish people would stop thinking I give a toss about Obama or CLinton.. i don't I am only reflecting and observing and it's factually on record that OBama cost $89 mill.. at the rate of $3mil a pop for a weekend away and the cost of defending Tacky Tower that's very soon gonna top Obama's expense to the country..  As I say pointless trying to attack Obama as a form of defence to me...I am fortunate not to have to get caught up in loyalty to one or the other party.. I am independent of all observer.. i just call it as it is.
      February 19, 2017 4:54 AM MST

  • 34595
    Yes there is proof.  Where does the $89mill claim come from?

      February 19, 2017 5:31 AM MST

  • LOL you do tickle me m2c.. so this person, someone who goes by a clearly BIASED against Obama username.. (geee he/she sounds well and truly objective ya?) has produced a list.. NO figures are given re cost... and there is NO indication that he stayed overnight/ ANY event tho. . the costs would have been included in the $89 mil... which, when you start doing the maths re Strumpet, you will see Trump's very quickly going to surpass that amount.. 

    Now where did I get that fig from? Welllllllllll see me being an independent observer, I researched several places.. and each confirmed that figure.. one goes for consensus as often as possible cos one wouldn't want to be accused of bias now would one?   So I found the fig several times. and one of your dear friends Karen, posted another link above.. her's says $85 mil for 8 years... who am I to quibble over a few mil, there is consensus it was around that amount. 

    One really must be careful of the sources one quotes and ensure that where amounts of money are being discussed one reflects that within one's research. 
      February 19, 2017 5:40 AM MST

  • 34595
    I gave no figures.....I gave that Obama has golfed weekly for 6 yrs....I gave the list and locations. 

    You have given a figure of $89mil....Show me where that figure comes from, if you cannot it is OK. I can show figures higher than $89mill but again I did not mention a figure...That was your number. 
      February 19, 2017 5:48 AM MST

  • Aha I see, yes you didn't mention numbers but this is another of those technicality things isn't it.. we were discussing how much money Strumpet is costing the US and all the hard working citizens there.. so that's money... .. You mentioned golf.. now on the basis of the discussion the relevance would be... how MUCH his golfing cost the country.. and no figs were given.. so we don't know..maybe they didn't cost anything.. we don't know if he stayed overnight or weekends..  and the source was hardly unbiased... 

    And lol ahem.. I DID quote one source,, it was from a beloved member here and me thinks Strumpet supporter Karen, on this very thread... What we DO know is that the fig for Obama was around 89 mil... 

    From the dearly beloved Karen's link we see that Obama actually took LESS holidays than his Repulican predecessor - interesting...  
      February 19, 2017 6:07 AM MST

  • 34595
    Interesting how they figure Trump's trip to FL...his own property is somehow cost $3mil but Obama's trips to everywhere only cost just over $100 mill....
    I did see where they compared a trip Obama took to FL that cost $3mill. But it was not a straight trip to FL it had a detour to Chicago. This adds alot of cost as Air Force One is said to cost $180,000/hour. So they are in no way comparing apples to apples.
      February 19, 2017 11:20 AM MST

  • I saw in the one Karen posted that they did mention Air force one. I am not sure whether that cost was included, but we don't know whether it is in Trumpet's case either..   I do find it interesting that people are disagreeing now with an article that was posted as proof against Obama telling us how expensive Obama was.. lol maybe so, (remember I have no loyalty to any particular party or politician) but whatever he spent seems to pale in comparison to the very expensive tastes of Trump.   So people are objecting to the stuff that's biased against Obama when logically if anything it's overestimating what Obama spent... but seems some know better :P
    Anyway lets not digress... as you say you didn't give figures, the only figs we do have are that it costs $3 mill each time Trumpet goes to Florida and that Obama spent $89 mill on trips, (some of which were business for the country) .  And *they* don't tell us whether the  airforce one costs are included in the estimate of $3 mill for Trump's jaunt. Perhaps that's what costs the money? So logically one vacation for a family might cost $3 mil because of the costs of transport and infrastructure... but those costs would be the same if it's just a weekend or a fortnight - one trip there and one back.. you see?   so yea maybe they aren't comparing apples with apples..but maybe they are!  

    I did read that the govt doesn't pay the costs of the holiday itself - so Obama paid for the holidays, Trump doesn't have to pay himself for staying at his own resort.. sure.. but that is out of the equation - both needed to pay accommodation for security people -only in Trump's case he gets the money and let's remember Trump DOES use Airforce one... for his jaunts.  

    I guess the point is.. if we don't dispute the figs of $89 mil which was said against Obama, which are likely to be overestimated if anything, as in look how shocking this is... then we cannot really dispute the Trump costs... unless both are wrong.. who knows, we can only go on what we have.. both ways..

    We'd have to weed out the trips that weren't holidays too wouldn't we.. Trumpet plans to come to the UK later this year... we can hardly complain about that now.. can we? This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 19, 2017 12:47 PM MST
      February 19, 2017 12:32 PM MST

  • 34595
    It is in dispute until they release actual numbers from Trump's travel....Not comparing a trip from DC to Chicago to FL....That has one too many apples in there. 
      February 19, 2017 1:29 PM MST

  • 34595
    No we should not charge the President's for their outings. They are not prisoners of the White House. 
    They all have things/places they like to go. 
    Obama...Golf, HI, CA
    Bush W....His Ranch in TX,  Camp David, (stopped golfing when war started out of respect for soldiers)
    Clinton... Golf.....

      February 18, 2017 5:53 PM MST

  • So we should pay for their leisure?
    Nobody does that for us.

    Sorry but when you volunteer for the position that should mean the people own you while you are elected.
      February 18, 2017 6:02 PM MST

  • 34595
    We always have. As far as I know. We don't pay for the golf itself, or the dates, we don't pay for their food at the White House either, etc but we pay for the fuel and secret service. 
      February 18, 2017 6:37 PM MST

  • Right, and that's a BS entitlement.  Why should they get free travel for their own pleasure?  We don't.
      February 18, 2017 6:39 PM MST

  • 34595
    Because we require them to travel in Air Force One. We require them to be accompanied by Secret service as well. They don't have the option to just drive to the nearest golf course or even in their own plane.
      February 18, 2017 7:38 PM MST

  • Meh.
    Really just playing devils advocate here. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 18, 2017 7:56 PM MST
      February 18, 2017 7:39 PM MST