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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » It seems to be a commonly accepted principle that whatever you can get away with you should. Not EVERYONE subscribes to that. Do you? Why?

It seems to be a commonly accepted principle that whatever you can get away with you should. Not EVERYONE subscribes to that. Do you? Why?

Posted - February 26, 2017


  • 22891
    no, im not like that
      February 26, 2017 8:57 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply pearl and Happy Sunday! :)
      March 5, 2017 5:10 AM MST

  • 314

    No, I don't.  But this is the thought behind The Invisible Man.  If you were invisible....what would you do, knowing you could get away with it?  Are your morals only born of observation and close quarters?

    All those little cheats you could get away with...the lies...the tiny you pass on them?

      March 4, 2017 6:14 PM MST

  • 113301
    Is the "you" directed at me personally or is it the collective "you" and comparable to "one"? Honest does not exist for special occasions only. It is not a jacket you take off and put on when convenient/expedient. It must be 24/7 or it isn't at all.That is in general. In particular I subscribe to that. I don't do/say anything for show. I don't do/say things to impress. I do what I do for ME. I'm the only one I have to please..the only one I need to account for...the only one I can control. Did I answer your 3 questions sufficiently or do you need more? Thank  you for your reply SS and Happy Sunday. I would ask the same of you but that would be invading your privacy. I don't know you so you could be telling me the truth or lying to me.  I wouldn't know the difference so asking the question is useless. To answer your next question "why do you ask questions"? I ask questions for me too. Why?  Because they occur to me and the only way to rid myself of them is to ask them. If others find them appealing and wish to answer with civility and thoughtfulness that's a bonus. But it is not a requirement. TMI I'm sure. This post was edited by RosieG at March 5, 2017 5:19 AM MST
      March 5, 2017 5:18 AM MST

  • 314

    My usage was the editorial 'you', and not the personal form.  The questions I posed rhetorical and intended, as your question was, to provke further thought.

    Sorry if that was unclear.  I will try harder.

      March 5, 2017 7:32 AM MST