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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » It's is A-OK to be afraid of terrorists/Muslims/Refugees/Immigrants/ but it is not OK to be WARY of a PUTIN, murderer dictator. WHY?

It's is A-OK to be afraid of terrorists/Muslims/Refugees/Immigrants/ but it is not OK to be WARY of a PUTIN, murderer dictator. WHY?

Get cozy, friendly, chummy with Putin. Don't be afraid. He is a good guy. Trump says so. But be on guard for Refugees who flee for their lives/Immigrants/Muslims/Potential Terrorists from countries whose people HAVE  NEVER HARMED US. Be very afraid. Stay terrified. They are the bad guys. Putin? He's a pussycat/teddy bear/honey bunch. What's to fear from him. Right? Trump knows these things. He wouldn't lie to us. Would he?

Posted - March 1, 2017


  • 22891
    it dont sound okay to me
      March 1, 2017 9:28 PM MST