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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We get rid of Donald. How do we get rid of those who voted for him so they don't screw us again? Send them to a far-off cornfield?

We get rid of Donald. How do we get rid of those who voted for him so they don't screw us again? Send them to a far-off cornfield?

Posted - March 2, 2017


  • Very rarely, Tom. But my quote wasn't aimed at Rosie. I was reminded of it when Glis mentioned the Rosie Garden.
      March 2, 2017 1:30 PM MST

  • 7280
    The comment about not applying that to Rosie was to make sure that others who might read my comment would be clear on my intent.
      March 2, 2017 1:33 PM MST

  • 2052
    President Trump has a great agenda.  I don't see any argument with anything he wants to accomplish.
      March 2, 2017 10:38 AM MST

  • 113301
     Well continued good luck to you  Sunshine. I think  Doofus 
    Donny  is an agent of Russia and a mole. His whole agenda is to turn America into a Russian satelite. If that's OK with you then what the he **? It's not ok with me and never will be. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply. Do you speak Russian? Maybe you should take lessons! :)
      March 2, 2017 10:49 AM MST

  • 2052
    It sounds like you think we will have Russian women trying to marry our men next. HA!
      March 2, 2017 12:36 PM MST

  • 6023
    I'd "buy" a Russian bride if I could afford one.  LOL
      March 3, 2017 2:23 PM MST

  • 113301
    Aren't they already? Mail order brides? They could do worse! Thank you for your reply Sunshine. How is the knee today? Happy Friday!  :)
      March 3, 2017 3:23 PM MST

  • That's definitive  fascism.
      March 2, 2017 10:40 AM MST

  • 113301
    Really? SO say you?  What is undefinitive/indefinitive/antidefinitive Fascism then? You make a statement like that with no wiggle room you should be prepared to defend/explain/ prove your allegation. Can you? Will you? Or is that just more empty rhetoric? Inquiring  minds wanna know. Thank you for your reply Glis and Happy Thursday.
      March 2, 2017 10:52 AM MST

  • The complete elimination of all opposing  political thought. The idea the country and laws belong to one righteous group or side.  The deportation, stripping of citizenship, or destruction of those who have opposite opinions.  Hmmmm Rosie.   Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol-Pot, etc...  Take your comparison.
    Your sad excuse for a solution is the thought and ways of totalitarians, authoritarians, and fascists. 
    It's people like you why Trump got the power.  The rest of us have you to thank for this cluster-f*** just as much as the people who voted him in.  You're not part of the solution,  you're part of the problem.

    The hypocrisy and irony of your statement about wiggle room and unfounded conjecture is mind blowing.   It's like this guy I know....  What's his name????  Hmmm.  OH YEAH!!   It's just like Trump!
      March 2, 2017 12:06 PM MST

  • "Thank you for your reply Glis and Happy Thursday.  "

    Save your fake posturing for someone else.  Be real and true for once.
      March 2, 2017 12:08 PM MST

  • In Rosie's defence Glis, we all know you have to be sooooo careful on here.. it's almost never that we can, any of us, say what we really think... we'd get banned within nano seconds... so we have to resort to politeness whether we like it or not.. even if we have to do so through gritted teeth but you know what? I get the impression that Rosie really is a truly lovely person, I think she means it.. and to be honest it would be very arrogant of us to claim we really know what is genuine for her..
    So since we are being congruent and genuine here.. I want everyone to be in no doubt as to how I feel.. I ADORE Rosie's questions, to be honest, while it won't make me popular, I find her questions are mostly the only one's worth answering.. many of the others are pretty inane.. Just saying 
      March 2, 2017 2:43 PM MST

  • 17261
    Any further warnings, or still the same case you're referring to about getting booted? To my best knowledge no old timer is getting booted within nano seconds. Btw, I thought you were advocating politeness? As for words, when written, and repeated they show a pattern. It will be from such patterns people will base their opinion around another person. 

    Luckily people will have different opinions on what's inane and what's not. That's why diversity is asked and wished for, by some of the members here. 
      March 3, 2017 9:27 AM MST

  • Hello Sapphic.. thanks for your response. I know that like Glis, I can be honest with you and you me. So, yes, I am referring to the same episode, it hurt me deeply, it affected me, it changed me.. I am more defensive, cautious and I don't feel i am able to give of my true self on here.. I feel bound, hindered, tied... That's just a case of it is what it is.. I have accepted that and decided to remain.. that's my choice, no one is forcing me to stay and I don't suppose anyone would much care if I didn't stay.. but I have decided to stay. .. so it is what it is.. I operate within the conditions.. 

    However it is also true to say that it probably affected me more than would be usual in that as much as I have considered and thought about it - i do NOT feel what happened was warranted.. therefore I have a lingering sense of injustice... Being a toe-er of the line usually I find it hard to accept.. as above.. but nonetheless I have decided to stay... good or bad.. 

    So moving on.. you talk about politeness.. yes, I am almost always polite, and where i am not I am always VERY careful how I word things.. I was so before my run in with the mods and I am now doubly so..  

    And yet, I am only human... I felt very strongly that Rosie was being villified on here, the subject of unkindness and negativity.. it's not for me to speak on her behalf but I felt she had been unfairly treated.. Not to the extent anyone could be reported but it was none the less unfair... and so I spoke up.. I didn't insult anyone.. I didn't say anything awful - I just expressed an opinion...  

    I get that you are miffed with me for the use of inane.. perhaps that was an unwise choice of wording.. see my reply to Glis, I was in a rush that day, as I often am... and in my hurry I perhaps didn't word things as carefully as i might.. However, that doesn't change the fact that yes, often many o f the questions I do find inane.. we all are entitled to our own perceptions.. you have yours and I have mine.. for me many of the questions are inane.. so i don't answer them... simple.. I didn't complain about them as such, just mentioned the fact.. it's all about perspective.. some might find the political questions inane.. that's their prerogative.. I happen to disagree but they are entitled to their opinion too... So please don't get mad at me over this.. it wasn't like I said YOUR questions are inane.. indeed you will see by the criteria above, I often answer your questions so therefore they are not *inane* - I don't think inane is an insulting word and I DO think that we have to accept that yes, there are inane questions on here.. depending on one's perceptions of what constitutes inane. 

    You will notice I didn't complain about diversity.. so I will overlook the comments about diversity.. I don't much care if people want diverse questions.. that's up to them.. I didn't complain about diversity.. personally I prefer political questions but I didn't complain about diversity.. I just ignore the qs that i find inane.. as, if we are honest, do we all!  There are some questions I find particularly inane and almost never even go there.. I defend people's right to engage in inanity :P but I personally have evolved beyond that point.. so i avoid it x
      March 3, 2017 11:22 AM MST

  • 17261
    Hmm. Can't tell on behalf of others, but I for once would care if you stay or not. As for being restricted, like any other victim we have to look at ourselves and tell ourselves how much we will let others affect us, and our ways to be in public. I had the other day, with others the doubtful pleasure to be targeted as receiver of an explicit photo of a male member here. Now, I could try change my ways of being public here to try avoid similar incidents again in the future, and thereby keep myself a victim... Or, I could make the choice to remain myself and try make it work out. When censored, and I know we have talked about this I make one of three choices if I don't agree with premises given: 1) ignore, or accept if I can live with it, 2) object if I can't live with it, and I hope I can make a change with this... I had a few incidents where it actually did initiate a dialogue with management, and thereby I was heard but not necessarily given right, and finally 3) as you say, if I could not live with the outcome I could pull myself out of here. The one thing I do know and that's from own experience, is keeping myself a victim won't make me happy. This is only meant as my input for you. As previously I'm here for you if you feel like having talks in private on this matter or any other. And believe me, I know where you come from with regards on how emotions/feelings affect me if I feel any injustice. :-)

    As for your comment about OP and her respondents, it's two-faced. If you look objectively on what was said and in which order, I have to say I noticed a line crossed but not from the responding side. I like the OP on a personal level, and have besides one incident always been on the good side with her, I have even defended her on several cases. In all fairness, the response made to Boz was filled with prejudice and not made in an hope for an open dialogue. Such responses will have other words following. We all, including the OP know the dynamics of the internet. Unfairly treated won't be the first thing that comes to my mind in this incident. Sorry, I can't go there. Words do matter, and how they are used matters even more.

    There are inane questions here, and they all have a purpose, creating a site and community that can embrace all of us. Yes, I was kinda offended because they way it was presented seemed very negatively towards any other question that isn't political. We can always discuss what makes something a question, and what will make it a political one. In my perception a lot of them are repetitive and more of a statement, or blog entry than a true question looking for an interaction with exchange of ideas. But as you say, we might look differently on how we perceive questions. I am not complaining about the political questions. You know I'm political myself. I do however scroll over most of them as they seem very little interested in my opinion. A conversation only get very interesting to me, when we exchange... give and take, but with an open mind. That said, there is room for all of us which is why I simply ignore most of the questions

    Personally I like diversity as it allows me to get an insight on people. It's people that fascinates me, and what is my reason staying here. If I wanted to make a political impact I'd find other outlets where my efforts would pay more of than a place like here. You seem to make diversity sound like something negatively, it isn't in my world. We will have to disagree on this. So be it. It won't change my view on you. 
      March 3, 2017 12:29 PM MST

  • THank you for taking the time to respond so deeply.. there is much I can agree on and see your point on... we differ in some areas.. but I know you say what you do from a caring perspective.. 

    I was unjustly treated, I made my representation, it was overruled.. I decided to stay here.. but i would be dishonest and incongruent if I were to pretend it hasn't affected me.. I am one for honesty and saying what I think and feel.. it's the only way I can be.. true to myself, true in intent.. Perhaps the way it has affected me has made me somewhat a victim.. perhaps you are right.. but it is what it is.. I did the three things you mention but still feel unjustly treated and aggrieved. It is what it is.. it's affected how i am here... I no longer feel I belong or am *safe* here.. I no longer feel I can be me...  but at the same time I have chosen to stay.. so as I see it is what it is.. Now and then something will strike a chord.. and touch that raw nerve.. and I will say so.. .I am sure you, being the accepting person you are would not wish me to pretend to be ok or not feel something if I do... so now and then we will see comments from me about injustice.. 

    words do matter.. I agree.. I have said I chose poorly the word banned...  but you know we are all human and we all make mistakes.. I am suffering a LOT of stress at the moment and I am under hideous pressure re time.. so yes I make mistakes now and then.. my point is only that it happens... and hopefully when we do choose badly a word we can be forgiven. 

    I still don't think you should be offended tho by my word inane.. it was aimed at NO ONE in particular... and it's just a matter of perspective.. I was only explaining that..  Just as you may find political stuff inane, I find other things inane.. We all use this site for our own reasons... each one different.. for me I love political and other discussions.. I LOVE different opinions, and the cut and thrust of debate.. lol I am a master-debator :P  I cite this whole conversation between us.. we can differ in opinions, we can tackle certain things the other says and explore it... that's what I love...  And in that vein. .all I can do is assure you that diversity was not intended as a negative -  I am pretty sure I said i defend other's right to post stuff even if I find it inane.. I truly never mentioned diversity.. or even really use inane in a negative way.. 

    People are my thing.. we are all different.. I seek only to explore and have those differences respected.. 

    But I still defend Rosie and think she has been treated harshly and that others have attributed motives and intentions to her that we none of us can really know
      March 3, 2017 12:51 PM MST

  • 17261
    I think you misread some of my comments, might be because of my poor wording. Words were nowhere aimed at your sharing. I'm sorry you keep feeling hurt and no longer safe. I'm far from agreeing with mods and management on every call. I have in the past felt unfairness, i have also learned to appreciate our mods/management here. Nowhere else have I met the same, and what I've experienced this far, no one hold previous incidents against you, if we talk censoring, even having a question booted.

    Back to words. I cannot agree in the premises of what have occured in the thread between OP and Boz. OP made a very biased and aggressive reply towards Boz, no matter who she might have voted for. What I see is other members here making their comments towards methods, not the cause as such.

    The whole question as such is designed as very little constructive towards a dialogue, unless you agree with the OP on their saying. I cannot support such aggressions, no matter how little I could think of those having a different opinion than myself. Will I be any better than any despot, if I wish to get rid of those thinking differently than me?

    I see this aggression brought into the responses given to those not agreeing with the opinion of the OP. I've seen passive aggressive questions asked on a later point. I've experienced this once myself but have put this aside. Like said, personally I had no other incidents than that one time. However, I recognise the same attitude and lack in meeting/will to understand the ones not agreeing. Unlike what's been said, i see no will to have a fully open debate/discussion, unlike how you deal with it yourself. I simply don't see such will.

    I've read all the explanations on the why, but I'm no longer sure it's not just a cover up and excuse to keep on such behaviour as belittling those disagreeing, and rewarding those agreeing. No, I cannot see what you see. Sorry.
      March 3, 2017 2:14 PM MST

  • Well we have both made our points.. and that's a good thing.. that we disagree on this is ok, we agree on some things and not others and so I feel we are back to where we started... I said that you and I can disagree without disrespecting each other.. and I think we have achieved that.. I appreciate your thoughts and your time in explaining them. 
      March 3, 2017 2:57 PM MST

  • 17261
      March 3, 2017 2:59 PM MST

  • It's not the questions,   those are often good.   It's the responding and two-faced responses to replies. It's the passive-aggressive nastiness to responders.

    Why don't you call her out for her unwarranted vitriol to Boz instead of the my comment about being two-faced?

    "we'd get banned within nano seconds"
    never seen any evidence of such.   Quite the contrary actually as a recent event has shown.   Please feel free to give an example. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 3, 2017 10:56 AM MST
      March 3, 2017 10:14 AM MST

  • Hello Glis, being genuine and congruent as always here I offer the following...  I didn't see anything wrong with Rosie's comments to Boz. If I had, I would have said something. I DID feel that Boz had misunderstood Rosie's comments and that Boz had therefore gone off on a tangent, and unfortunate track. Rosie dealt with this herself and therefore, quite logically, I felt I had nothing more to add.. Adding anything at that point would have only muddied the waters and served no useful purpose. I am nothing if not logical. 

    I do not see passive aggressiveness in Rosie.. that's your interpretation for sure and you are free to say what you feel. But that doesn't mean it's correct.. as I say we would be foolish, any of us, if we try to claim we know another's motives and intentions.. we don't..  So while we accept you PERCEIVE it as passive aggressive and that's your perception, doesn't mean it's right.. And i mean no offence in that whatsoever... just saying it as I see it.. logic. 

    I responded to your comment cos a) we are old sparring partners and we know we can be honest with each other without upsetting each other... b) because at that point there were not zillions of replies already so I felt able to offer something new and useful. c) there's probably a c but I can't remember it :P 

    As to the banned comment.. I will totally concede that that was sloppy use of language on my part..  banned is not the correct word .. moderated, censored, warned etc.. now those would be more accurate.. repeat offences result in increasing sanctions until finally one would be banned. SO yes, technically you are correct.. and my use of language was inaccurate.  Perception is everything I guess.. and for ME personally being censored, moderated is a HUGE thing, I take it personally.... I am still hurting and stung from something along those lines that happened to me.. we behave according to our experiences and perceptions.. so I mean we would be moderated in nanoseconds and in this context we DO know that's true.. we are all hampered, hindered, hog-tied on here and we cannot say what we feel. That's just the reality.. we don't have free speech here, we don't even have free speech even when being careful.. we can still fall foul of the TOS.  We all have to wear a forced mask on here to a certain extent..and there are times when we have to resort to sarcasm or false niceness in order to prevent getting moderated.. I am a fan of psychology.. I understand that for others their perception of being censored is different to my own... I cannot speak for others, only myself. 

    I hope this clarifies things.. if not, as always feel free to get back to me on that.. if you answer here and I miss it please feel free to message me.. I don't stand still too long and don't always go back over and over and over old threads.. I prefer to keep moving.. 
      March 3, 2017 11:04 AM MST

  • 10945
    You don't get rid of them and after Trump they probably won't screw you again. I think Trump will be a real eye opener for all the people and political parties and also an example of what they don't want - which will be common ground then they will work together and make America United and Great again. Cheers!
      March 2, 2017 11:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    From your lips m'dear! I hope you are right. I just don't think they are smart enough to learn the lesson. I think if given the chance they would do it all over again! Pathetic ain't it? Thank you for your reply Nanoose!  :)
      March 2, 2017 11:51 AM MST

  • Ha ha my favourite question ever.. my thinking is... somehow trick the dopey whatsit into doing something stupid... those who are stupid enough to follow him, will.. and this will mean that the most unable to see/comprehend how utterly evil Trump is will go with him - thus removing themselves.. 

    Those who maybe voted for him but have come to their senses in the light of the facts against him won't blindly follow him.. and that's cool.. they can be saved :)
      March 2, 2017 11:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well one of the respondents thinks it is RUBBISH! So how does that make you feel DdbTD? I know. Different strokes for different folks!  Thank you for your thoughtful reply and the compliment! :)
      March 2, 2017 11:53 AM MST