Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» I wish it were possible to have SELECTIVE AMNESIA! Then I could choose to forget hurtful things. Would you like that too?
I'm told as I've got a bit older that my sense of humour got a bit more extreame and that I need to bite my tongue a bit more often...,,., I can't see that ever happening though....lol
To be honest no I wouldn't want to forget the many 'hurts' I've experienced in life. Some hurts were from loss, some hurts were from either friends or family. All the bad experiences I've had taught me a valuable lesson in life. The hurts made me more aware of myself and others. Without the hurt I would not have become as strong as I am today. So I take the hurts and learn from them.
This post was edited by SA (SuperA) at March 3, 2017 8:32 AM MST
Yea I'd choose to forget a thing or two... I get what SA and Sharonna say ... and agree but.. trust me, one can go through that stage where everything is an opportunity to learn...and into some place where one mistrusts and puts a wall up.. inpenetrable.. that has to be lamentable.. to be closed and not open to new experiences because one has been hurt so badly
Morning! I can remember the hurts in my life because I now see them differently. I now see the hurt as an opportunity for something better in my life. When I was younger the first real hurt in my life was losing my mom to Cancer, which I had no control over. I built a wall around me that nobody could break down. The hurt from others always lead to better situations in my own life. But, it took me decades upon decades to reach this point in life. I see waking up every morning as a chance to learn and do better in spite of what I might feel momentarily. I've had to look at situations differently so it does not affect my health. I've had to learn to control my emotions because of my epilepsy. I can't get too sad or depressed nor can I get too excited because it can affect my seizures. It's been a LONG lesson that took decades to learn. Now I just take things as they come and do the best I can. The good in my life has often come through many tears. :)
Agreed and I know what you mean.. I have suffered some truly horrible things in life... but I was always the kind who felt that every cloud has a silver lining, that everything happened for a reason and that we grow and develop... but I have experienced some hurts, during one specfic period that have changed my perspective.. as in I have developed but in a bad way, I am less of a person than I was, I don't like that part of me.. I think it's a negative, a lessening of the person I want to be.. SO I guess I am saying.. that while most hurts and experiences help us grow, develop and learn.. there are some that just plain change us for the worse, make us colder, more unfeeling, more suspicious, more guarded or even unwilling to take risks and try. I am not LESS strong, I am less brave, more resigned, more willing to *settle* for less than i deserve, less than my dreams... and that is NOT a good thing.. I regret I am not the person I was.. and for that reason there are a couple of things, or ok ONE thing that I regret to the point that I would forget it if I could.. It's changed my life, and me, and not for the better. Aside from that I am still a pretty cool and enlightened person lol - I go with the flow, I am fortunate to be naturally very much now orientated.. just there's that blip.