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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Experts say US-born citizens commit more crimes than immigrants. But hey they're home-grown criminals. Who cares what they do, right?

Experts say US-born citizens commit more crimes than immigrants. But hey they're home-grown criminals. Who cares what they do, right?

The eye is on the prize! It is "the other" whom we fear. The stranger whose religious beliefs are different from ours. Whose customs are different and mode of dress is different and language is different and skin color is different. We despise different. We love  sameness. Makes sense doesn't it? How?

Posted - March 4, 2017


  • 314
    My sainted Granny used to say,'when you point a finger at someone else you have 3 pointed back at you'. '
      March 4, 2017 6:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    I've heard that before. It's another one of those bromides that sound great until you analyze its components. What it says in effect is that you can never criticize/accuse anyone of anything. The finger pointing of course is figurative, not literal. I think it's a buncha crap personally. There are so very many things people repeat by rote as gospel that they clearly have never thought about. They accept, pass it on as true and that's that. I don't. I'm a words person. I think of each one, what it means to me and act accordingly. I mean "all's fair in love and war"? Bullsh **. "To know her is to love her"? Seriously?  Sometimes the more you get to know a person the LESS you like him/her. "The end justifies the means"? The typical excuse for someone who did wrong. Or "absence makes the heart fonder" versus "out of sight out of mind"! Which is it? So much gibberish out there. Of course I only ever speak for me. I cannot speak for thee! Thank you for your reply SS! :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 5, 2017 6:05 AM MST
      March 5, 2017 6:03 AM MST