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Tattoos -- are they an enduring fad or have they passed from fad to fashion?

What are you thoughts about them: body art or something else?

Posted - March 5, 2017


  • The actual tattoos will out last this current fad.  The current young generation may be the Ugliest Ever generation as they age and their skin an tats start to fade, Especially those who have had their face tattooed.  Awash in regret.
      March 5, 2017 9:53 PM MST

  • A couple of years ago I saw a TV ad that made use of that. It ran something along the lines of, "Did you make bad decisions while you were young?" and showed an old lady with a barbed wire tattoo sagging around her bicep as she did the ironing. (I don't recall what they were advertising.)

    Yes, Wjistle, that's going to be a problem.
      March 5, 2017 9:56 PM MST

  • I especially sneer at tats of barbered wire or a clawing by an animal.  Come on! Get really tough and wrap the barbed wire around your arm!  Tease a lion till he's angry and let him lay a real clawed tat on your arm!    
      March 5, 2017 10:05 PM MST

  • Dozy, I just read some interesting material from the Smithsonian on tattoos...

    Apparently tattoos are documented as long as 6,000 years ago (4,000 BC), and believed to be even older than that; "early paleolithic," or something.
    • Otzi the Iceman has them, prolly therapeutic as they are at sites of his bone degeneration.
    • Ancient Egypt...only women, around abdomen and thighs, purpose to protect in childbirth, and sometimes religious as the mummy of a high priestess.
      March 5, 2017 10:53 PM MST

  • Thanks, Virginia. I knew they had a long history but didn't realise they went back that far. Interesting answer.
      March 6, 2017 2:38 AM MST

  • 17260
    They can be all sorts of things, but no matter they will be an expression, signaling a message. Personally I'd love a tattoo. I've been close a few times but bailed out as I wasn't sure about motive and place on my skin. Hmm. One day, maybe... meanwhile I'll do it with my piercings. Hmm.
      March 6, 2017 2:42 AM MST

  • 5835
    Look, give it up. Even people who say they like tats call them "tramp stamps". It's obvious that they like naked tramps, not so much the stamps.
      March 6, 2017 5:31 AM MST

  • 17260
    I never used that expression.Please don't make generalizations on my behalf. Speak for yourself, don't hide behind those you don't know, and especially not when you don't know our opinion. Thank you.
      March 6, 2017 6:22 AM MST

  • Not the best answer you've ever given, Jewels, and not accurate. "Tramp stamp" refers to a specific type of tattoo and is a term used by a rather specific type of person. 
      March 6, 2017 11:42 AM MST

  • 314
    A 'tramp stamp' is a designation for a particular type of tattoo in a specific location.
      March 6, 2017 2:43 PM MST

  • 17260
    Which can be amazing too.
      March 6, 2017 2:48 PM MST

  • 314

    Tattooing is nearly as old as mankind...maybe even as old.  I hardly count it as a fad.  It has reached 'fadhood' recently. largely (but by no means exclusively) amongst 'party people'.  I have family that are inkslingers....they hate it, frankly.  Too many people make stupid choices and wake up the next morning......

    The ice maidens tattoo 5th c BCE (oldest tattooed piece of skin)

      March 6, 2017 2:49 PM MST