I just now heard about this. On nearly all issues, I lean WAY left, and I have to say, this sounds silly to me. I really don't understand it at all. Honestly, it seems to me that if one can afford to not work for something so frivolous as a media-invented "holiday", she probably don't understand much about real struggle. In fact, it seems to me that if these women do take off work, they should put their money where their mouth is and donate the day's pay to a shelter for abused women, or a rape crisis center, etc. Now that would mean something!!
I agree. My daughter attends college full time during day and then works 5-6 nights a week 3-11(to pay for her college) at an assisted living facility caring for the elderly, whom she's grown to love as family....therefore she has no interest in taking part in this farce because she at 19 knows it would only affect her elderly patients and can see right through the far lefts political drama.
No...the whole premise of this is asinine and only more political drama/theater from the far left in the USA. How the hell is not showing up for work to DO YOUR JOB suppose to "empower" the supposed "oppressed" women living in the USA in 2017!!!???? These pink hat snowflakes time would be better served by protesting overseas in the Middle East on behalf of those TRULY OPPRESSED women FORCED to lived under Sharia Law.
If I find any business closed then I will, in future, avoid that business. This is a ridiculous thing to do and I'm not sure I understand just what these women are hoping to gain from this. I heard that one school district is closing for the day and if my children attended one of their schools I would be absolutely livid. Teachers are there to teach children not to stage protests.
The whole idea for this protest is idiotic at best. What's the point? I hear it's to protest oppression of women or to empower oppressed women in the United States? There's no point. There isn't a woman today in the United States that is being truly oppressed. Women can get an education, drive, own property, own vehicles, start and own a business, vote, get a job, wear whatever clothing they like... The list continues. These women are blind if they think they are truly oppressed here. I suggest they all travel overseas to Sharia infested countries where women aren't allowed to drive, aren't allowed to get an education, they can't wear whatever clothing they want, they can't have a job, they can't go out in public without a male relative accompanying them, they need 4 male eyewitnesses to prove rape, husbands are allowed to beat their wives, they can be burned alive in the streets at the wim of their husbands... Where is the outrage for those women? Why aren't these protesters headed overseas to protest for those women; women who are truly oppressed each and every day?
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 8, 2017 9:45 PM MST
Nope, not gonna waste a sick day for something like this. I only use my sick days if I feel too awful to work, otherwise I'd just feel guilty because we're understaffed on the night shift and I don't want to make others pick up the slack for me. Also, we can't wear red at work. That's the color of our enemy across the street.
This post was edited by Patchouli at March 8, 2017 9:24 PM MST
No, I went to work today. It's more helpful to go to work and donate today's pay to an organization that actually works on obtaining equal rights for women in places like Saudi Arabia.