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How do people usually underestimate you? Do they eventually learn not to?

What is something people usually or have in the past underestimated you on.
Did they eventually learn not to?
When was the last time you were underestimated?

Or is it the other way around for you?
Do people usually think that you are.capable of.more than you really are?

Posted - March 8, 2017


  • ..."those that won't even realise it because they are too busy around themselves"...

    I was having a conversation With Ms Lucia about that very thing right there. I think that's right on point, and actually at the center of every conflict...the being too much inside ourselves to see others. Fantastic point SapphicHeart
      March 8, 2017 3:48 PM MST

  • 17260
    It happens.
      March 8, 2017 3:50 PM MST

  • People think that because I'm normally a quiet type person that I'm a pushover,  I can be assertive when I have to,  I actually had one person lecture me on how I should deal with people according to her guidelines, she was shocked when I (very nicely I thought) explained the error of her ways.
      March 8, 2017 10:15 PM MST

  • I have also noticed that a.lot of people do adopt a camouflaged niceness. And answer sometime s with a "have a nice day", That on the.outside sounds like "have a nice day", but you know what they really mean is go fund yourself. You know what I mean?
      March 8, 2017 10:38 PM MST

  • Im not implying you are, btw. After reading my response, it sounds like I was. Im just saying . . You know?
      March 8, 2017 10:47 PM MST

  • I underestimate myself, of course. This is what I get told. I suppose I don't possess the self-confidence to do otherwise. Perversely, I think it's something to do with not wanting to get things wrong, that I can always do better than whatever it is I've done. A lot of people can shrug this off and get on with things and not worry about it. Being complimented only makes things worse for me. It's like 'but can't you see what's not right!'
    This then results in me thinking that people overestimate me (but you know all this). I think I'd be more content with estimation: not too much, not too little. I would be happier then.
      March 9, 2017 12:35 AM MST

  • I think anybody who underestimates you would be making a terrible mistake and it would be just not possible to overestimate you Ms L. Yeah?  )
      March 9, 2017 9:10 PM MST

  • You see? You're doing it right there. ) But yeah, my dear Mr L. How could you not, hm? )
      March 9, 2017 11:19 PM MST

  • 7812
    I guess that you can call me the strong silent type and in the past, people took advantage of that thinking I was a pushover. It pains me to say that it may have been true all those years ago, but certainly not now. Try that with me now and I'll cut you.
      March 9, 2017 9:40 AM MST

  • Like i said earlier this mistaking being quiet with being weak is a recurring theme. But I was thinking that the word pushover almost puts the.blame on the one pushed. As if a person being quiet and non confrontational is a character fault. 
    Looks like when people say, they used to take advantage of me, they blame themselves. As if they are the ones in the wrong and need to change, and not the ones taking advantage. You know what I mean?
      March 9, 2017 9:16 PM MST