Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Is there a category you would like added to the list when asking a question?

Is there a category you would like added to the list when asking a question?


Posted - March 9, 2017


  • 17261
    Nah, I do fine. However, at times I forget it's a more closed and serious question, and will still add it inside 'humor & jokes' but leave out my own sub-category. Hey... you never made a question inside it, did you?
      March 9, 2017 10:24 AM MST

  • 44514
    You told me how once but I forgot. Not really important, though. Nobody looks at the categories any way.
      March 9, 2017 10:32 AM MST

  • 17261
    Is okay. I enjoy your questions no matter which category they are in. Doesn't change much about the content. :-)
      March 9, 2017 10:38 AM MST

  • 22891
    cant think of any right now
      March 9, 2017 10:40 AM MST

  • 6124
    I'd like to see a category for Rhetorical Questions.  
      March 9, 2017 10:42 AM MST

  • 17261
    Lol. With it's own feed?
      March 9, 2017 10:48 AM MST

  • 6124
    Absolutely.  I would say more but, well, you know....
      March 9, 2017 10:52 AM MST

  • 17261
    Mhmm. No words needed. ;-)
      March 9, 2017 10:55 AM MST

  • I think the present categories are pretty good. Occasionally it might be difficult to find a perfect fit but there's always somewhere to place a question.
      March 9, 2017 2:29 PM MST

  • 44514
    You could choose pregnancy for all of your questions. Nobody would notice.
      March 10, 2017 10:22 AM MST

  • Then I'd feel I was back on ask.com where so many of the questions were about pregnancy (basically, "How can I tell if I'm pregnant" which was repeated ad nauseum).
      March 10, 2017 10:27 AM MST

  • 44514
    We had a lot of those at AB...we used to tease them and write stupid ones. There are still a few here that make jokes about it.
      March 18, 2017 1:28 PM MDT