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Déjà vu, the feeling that we're experiencing something for the second time: what causes it?

Could déjà vu be the result of a forgotten memory, a dream, a mental double-take, or something paranormal? What's YOUR opinion>

Posted - March 10, 2017


  • Not sure if I would term it "forgotten memory" for me, i think more along the lines of a small break into....or remembrance of a past life.....the feeling you've "done this before" just might be pretty close to the truth!
      March 10, 2017 5:37 PM MST

  • Thanks, Angela. I've never found an explanation that would satisfy me but on the odd occasions it has happened I've been left with a very pleasant, if puzzling, feeling.
      March 10, 2017 9:26 PM MST

  • 508
    some scientists say it's probably just a "glitch" or an "error" in the brain's memory processor. there are many different hypothesis out there.. This post was edited by Skunky Stinkerson at March 11, 2017 3:12 PM MST
      March 10, 2017 11:44 PM MST

  • Jewels said pretty much the same thing, Skunky. Brain fart. Thanks. 
      March 11, 2017 2:37 PM MST

  • 5835
    The brain has a lot of filters to identify things that are important in one way or another. You are talking about a brain fart.
      March 10, 2017 11:57 PM MST

  • That's certainly one of the explanations often given. Still, it's a curious experience, cranial flatulence notwithstanding.
      March 11, 2017 2:36 PM MST

  • 5835
    I know exactly how it feels. Curious, yes, that's part of it.
      March 11, 2017 4:06 PM MST