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Discussion » Questions » Communication » Normal Sequence. You figure something out based on thinking and "reasons" and come to a conclusion. The ideal sequence, right?

Normal Sequence. You figure something out based on thinking and "reasons" and come to a conclusion. The ideal sequence, right?

ABNORMAL sequence. You state something you want people to belileve and then look for ways to justify it. A**backwards is the way the government rolls these days in good old Trumpland formerly known as the good old USofA. "Obama wiretapped Trump Tower" sez The Donald. His mouthpiece Sean Spicer NOW SAYS Trump didn't ACTUALLY MEAN wiretap. He meant there are various ways to monitor/surveil. Oh please. Geez Louise! Good Grief Charly Brown! Neverending cartbeforehorsiness. Yet many believe every word of that nonsense. How can they you ask? Good question. I have no answer for you.

Posted - March 14, 2017


  • 22891
    sounds ideal
      March 14, 2017 12:52 PM MDT