Is a ruler who oppresses the poor like a driving rain that leaves no crops?
Trump Budget Plan Declares War on ‘War on Poverty’ Programs.
Drive through any city in NYS and you will see numerous people who have Heating assistance with windows open in 18 degree weather because they don't pay for heat.
If we just found a way to pull them off the books for doing that crap we would save a lot of wasted money.
This has nothing to do with the Laws of Thermodynamics. Other than opening a window lets the heat out and cold air in. If it didn't then insulation wouldn't be useful. Heat rises but even an uninsulated floor decreases heat retention. Fact.
I know it is a problem that exists in my area because I lived around it and you see it all the time during the winter. Sorry but people who do things like that are abusing the privilege and it don't really deserve it.
Your area is "any city in NYS"? Pretty big area. Do you know how much gas you're wasting doing all that driving around? Not to speak of the bad effect on climate change. Oh, right - climate change is a Chinese conspiracy.
I see the same thing that Glis describes where I live in NH. A good friend of mine is a landlord in the next town over and I used to help him with building mgmt issues. We need a better way to manage these programs to allow the people who really need the help to get it and to hold accountable the ones who are just a drain to the system. I don't see how this latest step by our President is going to do that.