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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » The CEO of Mayo Clinic said the Clinic would prioritize the care of patients with private health insurance. Uneithical/good business?

The CEO of Mayo Clinic said the Clinic would prioritize the care of patients with private health insurance. Uneithical/good business?

Those on Medicare or Medicaid will wait their turn I guess. The Mayo  Clinic has always had an excellent reputation. Maybe the CEO should have stifled it.

Posted - March 17, 2017


  • 22891
    that dont sound ethical to me
      March 17, 2017 2:41 PM MDT

  • This has been going on for two years at least, not particularly with this clinic but we spent two hours on the phone trying to find an orthopedic doctor who would accept a new Medicare patient for my father in law.  Some said they would take Medicare but gave an appointment four months down the road which is unacceptable for someone needing an orthopedic surgeon but most simply said they were not taking new Medicare patients.

      March 17, 2017 6:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Seriously? I'm really sorry to hear that. I have had Kaiser insurance for many years. When I turned 65 the plan switched to Senior Advantage. Fortunately I didn't get cancer until I was 70. Had I been younger and didn't have Medicare we would have been wiped out and I would have died anyway. It's all about the money honey, isn't it? Making money is more important than saving lives. Why does that depress me so? When hasn't that been true? So what are you doing then m'dear? Is your FIL without medical care still? That is unconscionable! Thank you for sharing your personal experience in reply to my question. I like first-person experiences  but in a case like this I just feel sadder. :(
      March 18, 2017 3:14 AM MDT

  • I'm so glad you've made a good recovery and you're right it is all about money although there are some doctors who will still take Medicare.

    We were finally able to find a good hearted doctor who would take Medicare and my father in law got the surgery he needed now if he develops anything else where he needs a specialist I'm sure we'll go through the same pantomime.  In the city where we live I think there are enough younger people to keep doctors busy that they don't need Medicare and after working with doctors I know that the paperwork and appeals are time consuming and they usually have to hire a person who deals only with Medicare so they make very little money.
      March 18, 2017 8:03 PM MDT