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Your neighbor blows up your house. You and your family survive. You thought you were friends. How do you ever trust anyone again?

Posted - March 20, 2017


  • Did the house have termites which may have spread to other homes?
      March 20, 2017 11:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Do you want it to have had termites whistle? I hadn't considered it but if it makes a difference to you then sure it had termites. I mean it's my house so I can make it whatever you wish. So now what? This post was edited by RosieG at March 20, 2017 12:05 PM MDT
      March 20, 2017 12:04 PM MDT

  • No!  Termites are bad and they do spread.  One may have to blow up his home to stop their progress.
      March 20, 2017 3:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Gosh whistle I've never heard that! I see homes tented to kill bugs from time to time..probably usually termites but I have heard of a home you had t blow up! That is SERIOUS termite infestation! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      March 21, 2017 6:14 AM MDT

  • sometimes decisive measures are called for.
      March 21, 2017 9:38 AM MDT

  • 11404
    By showing your friends what happens to some one that blows up your house. After that you could trust/know that they will think twice about blowing up your new house. Cheers!
      March 20, 2017 11:50 AM MDT

  • Then soon all homes will be blown up, no?
      March 20, 2017 11:51 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You mean blow up their house? Sounds kinda violent Nanoose. No other way? Thank you for your reply! :)
      March 20, 2017 12:06 PM MDT

  • 44754
    I already don't trust anyone. That's why my house hasn't been blown up.
      March 20, 2017 12:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm pretty sure someone you don't trust could find a way to blow up your home Ele.  They could drop a bomb from a plane. How could you protect against that? AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply.
      March 21, 2017 6:15 AM MDT

  • 6988
    I do have this ex-Viet Nam War veteran neighbor. He is always shooting guns on his firing range. Makes me nervous because his bullets sometimes ricochet off trees. He must spend thousands of dollars on ammunition each year. The upside is that there is no crime around here.
      March 20, 2017 1:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    He has a FIRING RANGE on his property bh?  Geez it must be a huge parcel of land and noisy as he**! You are on very good terms with him right?  Thousands of dollars a year goes to ammunition? Let me guess. He's rich! Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 21, 2017 6:18 AM MDT
      March 21, 2017 6:18 AM MDT

  • 6988
    The shooting is annoying, but legal. The cat really doesn't like the shooting. The guy is not really rich, but is a former state employee. Yeah, I guess he might be rich, come to think of it!
      March 21, 2017 1:12 PM MDT

  • Probably reloads or is shooting a cheap calibers or surplus ammo.

    If bullets are really ricocheting towards you then he doesn't have a proper backstop or berm.    You have every right to say something if that is happening.
      March 21, 2017 1:17 PM MDT