Background: In looking into why Internet Q/A sites close down, Nanoose pointed out the quandary of Experience Project, which shut down April 2016. Their stated mission is the tremendous Internet potential that I myself first noticed on;
“...harnessing social media to bring empathy and understanding to all, through the power of anonymously shared human experience….Doing good for the world was not a side effect, it was the goal.”
But with millions of users, EP was “being challenged like never before. Governments and their agencies are aggressively attacking the foundations of internet privacy with a deluge of information requests, subpoenas, and warrants.”
EP describes a cat-&-mouse situation with government chasing the Bad Apples, who “are better able to cover their tracks and evade user bans by using mobile and encryption networks, and they use information to exploit the trust of others through social engineering.”
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So, actually two questions here…
1. What is the social engineering that the Bad Apples try to do?
2. Is the answer to EP's target situation perhaps small size? Would both the Bad Apples, and the government regs, typically not bother with smaller sites like aMug?