Discussion » Questions » Jobs » You take a very pretigious job because you think it will look very good on your resume. You fail and are booted. Do you list it or omit it?

You take a very pretigious job because you think it will look very good on your resume. You fail and are booted. Do you list it or omit it?

Posted - March 26, 2017


  • 22891
    i sometimes will omit stuff just cause i dont want them to contact them
      March 26, 2017 3:26 PM MDT

  • 3719
    I have never really been in that situation, but I think I would have been cagey about admitting it on a CV!

    Yet assuming you failed simply because you were not sufficiently qualified, skilled or experienced for it, if asked it may be better to be honest on the basis that at least you showed you had tried. The catch of course is that the potential employer now interviewing you might think you are a dreamer never satisfied with your own lot, and unable to assess your own abilities effectively - so how good a judge are you when faced with difficult choices?

    My own experience was an internal application, and on the face of its description and an informal chat with the manager concerned I thought I had a suitable technical background. In the event it seemed I did not have sufficient administrative experience or knowledge, in a fairly narrow field, but at least I had asked, and no-one held it against me. 
      April 12, 2017 4:27 PM MDT