Every other time I hear the word lovely & look around .... their always referring to me .... why should it be any different here? It can always be about me me me me you know.
We have a mutual friend that wanted to offer you five minutes of fame ... & you ran a hid .... it may have been the last five minutes of your life ... but that's not the point.
Dear Veena.K, I would say that test of character is WA-A-A-A-Y too difficult... I used to have dial-up that promised a speed of 14kb per second, and sometimes you only got nine...and I will tell you that no saint who has ever lived on Earth could endure THAT with equanimity...
Back in the early days of PCs when we all used DOS users were advised never to place the computer near a window. Why? Sooner or later you were bound to throw the bloody thing through it. Slow Internet connections are just as frustrating.