Discussion»Questions»Electronics» Do these damn vaporizers even deliver any nicotine? The more I use the damn thing the more I want a proper smoke. Where is the nicotine???
IDK. I thought about that too but fact is all the things in them are also in cigarette smoke only they are combusted and with more chemicals both natural and artificial.
I hear ya' though. Maybe I just go back to Red Man and Mail Pouch and never get an attractive date again. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally...I'd rather see a man with a cigarette than one of those vape thingies. I'm sure my fellow medical field workers are gasping! Umm....red man/mail pouch yeah no dates for you with that type of "backer"
But then I can't do KEWL people cloud chaser tricks and talk about Ohms law blah, blah, blah, blah...
Yah, does feel hipster douchy sucking on a battery. Whoever decided this is tobacco flavored e-liquid must never have had a smoke before.
I'm about ready to make tea out of a nicotine patch while smoking a non filter though. I'm weak Angela. :(
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at April 9, 2017 3:07 PM MDT
Use the nicotine gum. That's what I did when I quit smoking. Yes, there are chemicals in it but if you think that vape, cigarettes, & chew aren't chemical laden, you are being naive. That is a word I don't associate with you. The gum helps with the nicotine cravings. The first couple of weeks (or month maybe) I chewed the gum freely. Then, I followed the directions, cutting down on my consumption of the gum slowly. I eventually was able to wean myself off it. That was over 25 years ago.
You need to have a face to face discussion with someone who is dying from emphysema. I quit for a few reasons but I watched what I think was an HBO documentary that was created by a man who was diagnosed with lung cancer. It chronicled his life from immediately following his diagnosis to his death. He chose to do this so he could save at least one life. I don't know about anyone else's but he saved mine. That documentary was so graphic it scared the bejeezus out of me. I wish I could find it.
My Grandmother who was incredibly important to me developed it. My Uncle died of lung cancer. My mother just had surgery due to smoking related issues. Trust me I've seen the face to face reality of it and sat next to it.
I didn't see this before. I'm truly sorry for your losses. :-( I think it's harder for those of us who grew up with smokers. It took me many many attempts to quit. You'll get there.
Tried the vaping to quit smoking .... It's as dumb as the advice I got to eat oranges to help curb cravings. Just have want to quit. Then lose your mind.. Start again ... Then quit again... I don't think I spelled quit right. I don't care. Now I want a freakin smoke though. Meh.
Jamie..tell me when you smoke does it really give you a thrill...are you not worried that it may harm you...ok as a non-smoker asking a close friend that is all....you may or may not reply dear!
I started smoking years ago ... Have quit many times. No thrill at all for me. Spent about a year at a cancer clinic with someone I love very much .... Remember be outside have a cig. See a couple bring their child into clinic . Was bald and coming in for chemo. Was so disgusted with myself that day , quit cold turkey for about 3 years. Picked it back up again last year. I don't like it ... But it's a hard habit to break.
Sighhh dear Jamie....feel so helpless now...wanna do something really.......take care dear, yesterday I was talking to my hubby's cousin, her cancer treatment is over, radiation and chemo....but it is a metastatic cancer....for past one month she is having excruciating pain in ribs.....be cautious my dearest Jamie!
Trust me , I know how dumb it is to smoke. Have spent many, many days in cancer clinics... Seen what chemo does to a person. And I know how stupid smoking is. Was just say so you get understanding of how hard is to quit once addicted.
Yes, I hate the cigarette manufacturers, they are responsible for adding addictive components in it! I understand it is not easy to come out of any addiction...!