Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Arkansas planned to execute nine inmates by lethal injection. A federal judge placed an injunction on it Saturday. Good thing?

Arkansas planned to execute nine inmates by lethal injection. A federal judge placed an injunction on it Saturday. Good thing?

The reason given was that the proposed method is unconstitutional. So executing is okay. It's just the method that isn't. They used to use the electric chair. Then they reverted to lethal injection. What kind of death is more humane, least painful when government intervenes and has the legal authority to take life?

Posted - April 16, 2017


  • 17088
    I'm opposed to the death penalty, period. A jury can get it wrong. The last person executed in Australia, Ronald Ryan, was later proven innocent of the murder he was hanged for. (He was guilty of armed robbery and escaping lawful custody, but those aren't capital crimes).
      April 16, 2017 5:39 AM MDT