Avatar was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. James Cameron is a terrible movie maker and it baffles me how many people excuse his terrible story telling with his over abundance of special effects and gimmicks.
I agree. They excuse it like they excuse writers who churn out garbage after hitting it big with a couple of bestsellers. Early on he had a couple of real hits in Terminator & Aliens. Personally, I think he's gone downhill slowly from there. I will probably get a lot of flack from people here but I hated Titanic too.
This post was edited by Harry at April 18, 2017 5:23 PM MDT
Anyone I've met who brings it up, talks about it as being one of the greatest movies of our time. I guess I need to spend time interviewing various people about whether they like it or not.
Nah. That's not gonna happen. I'd have to care. And I don't.
It's way too long. Could have been done and told in a 1/3 of the time. The only good part is when Leonardo DiCaprios character finally dies. It's too bad the old lady doesn't have a slow heart attack while telling her sappy story.
I was mad at my then girlfriend for days after making sit through that tripe. 3 god damn hours! Made my ass and head sore. She was the same HS girlfriend who made go see that Romeo and Juliet trainwreck. Clara Daines could have shown her tits and it wouldn't have been any better.
Here are a few off the top of my head, in no particular order, but all equally unwanted:
Leprosy. Crucifixion. North Korean vacation. Living in New Jersey. Kidney stones. Explosive diarrhea Living in Somalia Tapeworm Another Adam Sandler movie Any Will Farrell movie A Kanye West Presidency Sharia Law Living in Pakistan Shark attack Trapped underground Nuclear winter Siberian winter Winter in general Bad Grammar
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at April 18, 2017 6:13 PM MDT