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Are we witnessing a cute dog moment or a baby about to become dinner?

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Posted - April 24, 2017


  • 16819
    Cute. Dogs almost never attack children, particularly ones that they know.
      April 24, 2017 6:37 PM MDT

  • Who says those dogs know him? 
    Dog attacks on children aren't uncommon by any means.  
      April 24, 2017 6:43 PM MDT

  • 16819
    They know the kid, otherwise they wouldn't be playing with him and somebody would pick the baby up rather than sitting back and recording it, ffs.
    Dog attacks on familiar children are rare,  dog attacks on unfamiliar ones generally occur if either a territorial breed has its space invaded, or the kid is interacting with another animal, particularly if it's another dog and both are male. One dog attempts to attack the other and the child gets in the way.
      April 24, 2017 6:55 PM MDT

  • You have some strange news and fact sources.  Kids get bitten by dogs everyday.   Dog attacks on children is not rare.  Granted it's most often because people don't wrangle their spawn  and let them stick their faces in the dog's face, reach out to them, take their food,  or pull on them,  Still it's a misuse of the word "rare" here. 
    I think those wolf blooded dogs know how tender that little brat is.
      April 24, 2017 7:02 PM MDT

  • 16819
    Wolf blooded? They're border collie crossbreeds, the markings are unmistakable. The cross is likely Husky, given the shape of the head and length of coat.
    Collies are intelligent but they need a lot of exercise. Those ones obviously haven't had any.
      April 24, 2017 7:09 PM MDT

  • Actually I think they are a huskie mix.  The snout and and ears aren't right for border collies.  The ears especially look more like a Husky mix and are nothing like border collies.   They kind look they might Utanagan and husky mix or Samoyed Huskie mix.  I very much doubt those are at all Border Collies based on the face and ear structure.  The markings mean nothing because huskies have similar markings.

    All dogs have wolf blood, technically the same specie as wolves.
      April 24, 2017 7:23 PM MDT

  • 6124
    I see a baby about to be steamrolled by two dogs that are so fat they can't walk anymore.
      April 24, 2017 6:44 PM MDT

  • That could be.   I've watch dogs do that same crawl before destroying little critters.   I bet the one on our right gets the liver rights when they get the little bugger.   He looks more alpha.
      April 24, 2017 7:04 PM MDT

  • 34415
    Happy baby moment. 
      April 24, 2017 7:55 PM MDT

  • cue jaws theme...

      April 24, 2017 8:17 PM MDT

  • 59
    The last things those dogs need to do is eat the baby... they need to play fetch.
      April 24, 2017 8:32 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Cute baby. Two happy, friendly dogs, there! (Though, I suppose it's possible they're happily anticipating their next meal). :P
      April 24, 2017 8:53 PM MDT

  • 22891
    looks like a baby about to become dinner to me
      April 27, 2017 5:31 PM MDT