The paranoid delusions in your head are your own creation. The rest of us cannot rationally comment upon them.
Race aside, unemployment is hopelessly high for everybody under his administration, it has been since the beginning.
Race and nationality aside, there is a GLOBAL oversupply of labor relative to demand.
What are we going to do about it?
Obama never has ginned up cop-hating campaigns or incited race riots, so your claim is nonsense to begin with. Feel free to provide actual examples in the form of video clips if you disagree.
As far as the high black youth unemployment rate, part of the reason it's spiked lately is because so many black youth were completely out of the labor force and weren't even bothering to look for work. When large numbers of people re-enter the labor force because they start looking for work again the unemployment rate always goes up briefly.
It's always Obama's fault. Isn't it?
Why would it do that? Nothing changes in the records from where those numbers come, I don't think. But I don't know. Do you?
No, I don't think that's the reason.
Could be.