You have to know some of what is out there to appreciate this one, flaws and all. There has been a few positive changes I have seen.
I agree Peas.
And some people who think that the grass is greener on the other side, find out real quick that, that grass is brown and dying.
Nope. Not while the champ is here. :)
I think everything fluctuates and cycles in life
Partly it could be that it is summer, people are out more. Many are hanging out on SW now. And other reasons.
I still like the place and think JA knows her stuff and is highly dedicated! Personally I prefer groups and writing/sharing, etc., but they seem dormant here. I am looking forward to seeing the new place. :-)
Thank you.
Yes, our groups were barely used at all before EPers came. We just weren't geared towards hubs. But, some of the changes coming with the redesign will make it easier to follow the groups and see group activity and we'll be highlighting the top/ most active groups on the home page, so I think that will draw more attention to them.
FYI "certain people" are no longer members here, but if you're seeing it from others, please report it. Political candidates are fair game, though.
It's by far more active than some of the other sites I've frequented. There are more than 20 regular users here, so it could be worse. lol
is it legal to kill a pokemon?
Conservatives are usually more busy doing things like working.
Welcome to answerMug then!
Invite your friends.
...and now with Twitter's periscope app, those sites. along with Google, are dominating the world.
Thanks peapod.
I can't wait JA! I'll be settled in my new place and ready to go when the changes happen.
I believe you are right LM. Since the beginning of this year I haven't been as active on the internet due to my health issues and moving.
But the majority of people don't know this.
And yes, it's summer. I've been out more since the weather got warmer.