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When I say "MATERIALISTIC" do you smile/cheer or shudder/cringe? Why?

Posted - May 14, 2017


  • 22891
    i cringe cause its not good to be materialistic
      May 14, 2017 4:29 PM MDT

  • 7809
    I cringe because I want no part of a materialistic world, but I'm trapped in it anyway. This post was edited by Zack at May 15, 2017 4:23 AM MDT
      May 14, 2017 4:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    There are certain material things that we need to survive. And some things we don't "NEED" but would like. I like our computer and TV and refrigerator and washing machine and dryer and car. I find them very useful. But I also like people who are honest, kind, humble, caring, helpful, polite. I don't think those things are mutually exclusive. However I have seen those who are so desperately greedy they have no time for anything that isn't materialistic and getting more, having more, doing more is what they live with 24/7. They don't value anything else. I think more of them are in existence today than in the "good old days". I have no proof of that of course. Only my observation. SIGH. You're not really trapped Zack. You can chose how to use your time, what to think about, what to enjoy, what to avoid. At least  I hope you can. It's hard/maybe impossible to shut out all the detritis. It surrounds us. You just have to try to not let it damage you or change you. I know. Easier said than done. What isn't? :( Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :).
      May 15, 2017 4:31 AM MDT

  • None of the above. That word has no affect on me one way or the other. If a person is materialistic, then that's on them and there's nothing I can do about it or care to do about it, so why let it bother me? 
      May 15, 2017 4:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Seriously Karen? You have no reaction whatsoever? I am definitely a words person. Words mean something to me and I react to them for good or ill. You don't react to some at all? Some of them have no affect on you one way or the other? I am very different from thee. Oppositely different it seems.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
      May 15, 2017 6:23 AM MDT

  • I see no reason to get happy/bent over the word materialistic. Other words do bother me..War, Cancer, Poverty, Disease, Natural Disaster.....Those words have meaning. Materialistic is a non-reactionary word. Who gives a flip if someone is materialistic? How does that affect anyone except the one who is? 
      May 15, 2017 7:02 AM MDT