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Discussion » Questions » Education » Isn't it kind of ironic that most illegal weapons trafficking in the US is done by white nationalist groups, so they're the ones who provide the weapons that are used to murder police, then they go on

Isn't it kind of ironic that most illegal weapons trafficking in the US is done by white nationalist groups, so they're the ones who provide the weapons that are used to murder police, then they go on

social media sites to complain it's Obama's fault that police are being attacked?  Isn't it especially ironic given that a surprisingly large number of the weapons trafficked illegally around the country are stolen from police evidence lockers, and the White Nationalist group known as The Oathkeepers, which is composed primarily of corrupt local sheriffs, is widely believed to be the single largest supplier of the weapons trafficked by Aryan Nation gun runners? 

Or maybe it's not ironic at all, and it's just that white nationalist groups are corrupt as all hell? 

Posted - July 17, 2016


  • 3934

    Assuming your claims are true, then I'm shocked...SHOCKED!

    For years, there has been substantial evidence most of the "terrorist plots" the FBI has foiled only existed because FBI undercover operators vigorously encouraged disaffected but otherwise non-violent people into creating them.

    None of this is too surprising. If enough news about law enforcement officers shooting and otherwise abusing unarmed N*gg*rs makes it into the public consciousness, there's a chance the public might demand that law enforcement quit being so obviously bigoted. Those who favor N*gg*r oppression have to make said N*gg*rs appear more threatening somehow. Selling illegal weapons and screaming, "Look, the N*gg*rs have illegal weapons!" seems like a win-win for white supremacist groups.

      July 17, 2016 5:09 PM MDT

  •   July 17, 2016 9:04 PM MDT

  • 46117

    You just said that white nationalist groups are corrupt.

    Etiquette requires I thank you for stating the obvious.

      July 17, 2016 9:19 PM MDT

  • 739
    I find it hard to believe that anyone needs to buy illegal guns in the USA, as absolutely nothing is ever done to stop them buying legal guns.
      July 18, 2016 3:35 PM MDT

  •   July 18, 2016 3:45 PM MDT