A) dressed in a trash bag
B) TRUMP Stuff
C) ask him if he wants to colour with me?
D) offer him pizza
E) just shut up then
D) yes
E ) nobody cares
f ) F
G) i have nothing for G but like G
H ) this question was brought to you by the letter H and the number 4
I) I forget the question :/
J ) YAY! J IS FOR Jaimie
K) okay
L) let it go
M) make it stop
M) maybe I am done then
O) Ohhh , no I'm not
P) probably stop soon
Q) Quinten Tarantino put walken in pulp fiction :)
R) right. ... Cos
S) shoukd be Sleeping
T) tomorrow will be better .. Maybe
U ) you don't love walkin like I do!
V) very much over tired so.. WXY and Z