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What are the most important considerations for someone looking at making the switch from a Windows PC to a Mac?

Posted - May 30, 2017


  • It would mainly be for my games. Some won't run on a Mac until the developers make an edition for it. Since I help develop some games for Shenandoah and Slitherine? They are all Windows based through beat-testing and if they look promising enough? They work them for Mac also. Some of the more popular ones just come out in an edition where they can be played on either system. That's about the most important thing to me.
      May 30, 2017 5:53 AM MDT

  • 5614
    Software/apps and security
      May 30, 2017 7:01 AM MDT

  • 7939
    Can you be more specific?
      May 30, 2017 1:23 PM MDT

  • 5614
    More software is made for PCs, a much bigger market, and is targeted by hackers and malware makers for the very same reason. So the things to consider are software and security. You will get less viruses on a MAC but you might still be only playing PAC-MAN on them. This post was edited by O-uknow at June 8, 2017 2:27 AM MDT
      May 30, 2017 9:20 PM MDT

  • 7939
    I keep hearing how better macs are, particularly because of the security, and that's making me wonder if my next purchase should be a Mac. I'm mostly a browser/ word processor person, and I'm not sure I care if it's Microsoft/ Windows/ Word. Anywho, thank you for your answer.
      May 30, 2017 9:47 PM MDT

  • 5614
    Mac is very proprietary and once you buy one everything attached to it must also be mac made. One idea is to get two computers or one with two OS's like Windows and Linux. With two computers keep one using Windows non networked for running programs. Be careful what programs you run and the other for browsing using a Linux distro or a mac. Browsing using Windows is riskier than using the others. This post was edited by O-uknow at May 31, 2017 1:20 AM MDT
      May 31, 2017 1:18 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i heard macs are better but ive never used one
      May 30, 2017 2:23 PM MDT

  • I grew up with Windows and it taught me most of what I know about computers. Hardly a day would go by without having to repair something. Then about eight years ago I bought a Mac and I haven't learned a thing about computers since!

    No more defrag, no more shopping for the best virus program, no more daily reboots, etc, etc, etc ......

    If you value your time ... and you'll find you have more of it ... you won't regret the change.

      June 8, 2017 2:43 AM MDT

  • 369
    I changed from Windows to Doors.
      June 11, 2017 4:37 AM MDT