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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Here's the bottom line. You do wrong you get punished OR You do wrong/more power to you if you can get away with it. You choose which? Why?

Here's the bottom line. You do wrong you get punished OR You do wrong/more power to you if you can get away with it. You choose which? Why?

Posted - May 31, 2017


  • I've never been a fan of "situational ethics". For the most part, I think that justice should be consistent across the board, as we are after all, a nation of laws. However, as I grow older, there are some things in which I'm beginning to lean in the direction of "more power to you if you can get away with it". Before I pursued a career in law enforcement, I was rather naive and more dogmatic in all of this. With time, I began to see that there are so many variables at any time, and that justice does in fact take many forms. And there have been too many times that we don't mete out justice at all. But as man is imperfect, so are his institutions. We're down to the old question of whether you steal a television because you're hungry, or do you take a loaf of bread and which is more plausible?
      May 31, 2017 10:00 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i try not to do wrong so i dont get in trouble
      May 31, 2017 5:44 PM MDT