It's too early in the day to get smashed and laugh.
No, lol. Seeing Trump and his ilk just annoys and discourages me.
Isn't ILK perfect to describe him and his minions? LOL
I wish a gun or two would make it through. I am not kidding. Put those bullets into bodies where they belong and leave the cops alone.
Are they Pokemon? If so, I NEED TO CATCH THEM ALL.
I'll be at work, but I really wish I could play the Republican Convention drinking game...
Well, I don't know about how that is played. Do they drink and hide the fact that they are drinking? That sounds about right.
as in go poke Trump with a machete'.
Nope. I can think of better things to do.
You gotta be kidding ? I'm gonna be watching a rerun of "Bonanza" tonight... This is the episode where Hoss meets the Leprechauns !
I think Hoss would have voted for Trump.
#Dan Blockhead
It does have a perverse attraction like a bad car accident.
... I do have a car to wash though.
Hoss was a little slow...But he wasn't stupid !
The Spanish App on my free Obamaphone stopped working.... Was it only good for 8 years or what ???
Absolutely wouldn't miss it. I'll watch them both then when Hillary takes off on her broom I'll relax.
Comparing the Democratic convention to the Republican convention is like comparing Al Gore to Adolph Hitler. The first one may be kind of a bad joke, but the latter is a nightmare and no joke at all. Who will laugh at this travesty about to unfold, I wonder.
Go shoot someone in the name of Trump, funny funny stuff. You even talk like that jackass. Huoooge jackass.
I'll relax when she sweeps the floor with Adolph Hitler, your idol.
Good, Harry. You are politically astute for the most part. The nonsense and the small and very few truths that may appear will not be lost on you.
I already know how it is going to go.
I heard it was good for about 8 weeks.
I am certain it did not offer streaming television. So, what were you planning on doing, calling Donald up to see what he says?
I heard Stephen Colbert crashed the stage, I might catch a clip of that on youtube later. I won't be watching the rest though.
No that was a fake earlier skit before it started.. But still awesome.