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Discussion » Questions » Family » Parents are 100% responsible for the DNA with which they "gift" their children . Why do they ignore that? Their children are no more/less than THEY created. They are resposible completely. Right?

Parents are 100% responsible for the DNA with which they "gift" their children . Why do they ignore that? Their children are no more/less than THEY created. They are resposible completely. Right?


Posted - July 18, 2016


  • 46117

    No.  Parents are guides and caregivers.   They are not responsible for what parts of their bodies their kids inherit.

    Just because DNA enters a body and creates their child's body  in no way determines the future or health of the child to a degree of 100 percent any more than locking them in a sterilized room for their entire lives.

    I may have great DNA.   Maybe I lived somewhere where I ingested an airborne poison unknowingly.  Now what?  How responsible can I be for that one?   My child may be born a hideous monster due to this accident.

    As  parents, all we can do is guide and be a support for our children without taking over and trying to live their lives FOR them.   As a parent, hopefully, we offer support when needed and guidance and the benefit of our wisdom and experience.  That is all we can offer.  To go beyond that weakens the child and makes him too dependent if mommy and daddy are always there to "fix" things for kids that make mistakes  through faults of their own.

    Kids need to learn by making mistakes just like parents did. 

      July 18, 2016 10:20 AM MDT

  • 53698
    Muy buena respuesta.
      July 19, 2016 5:21 AM MDT

  • 5354

    That would be true if 'nature' was the absolute winner in the nature vs nurture debate, but that is not the case.

      July 19, 2016 5:27 AM MDT