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Speaking of Mother Ships, just what in Hades is this supposed to mean anyway?

His father died and left him a little farm in New England.
All the long black funeral cars left the scene
And the boy was just standing there alone
Looking at the shiny red tractor
Him and his daddy used to sit inside
And circle the blue fields and grease the night.
It was if someone had spread butter on all the fine points of the stars
'Cause when he looked up they started to slip.
Then he put his head in the crux of his arm
And he started to drift, drift to the belly of a ship,
Let the ship slide open, and he went inside of it
And saw his daddy 'hind the control board streamin' beads of light,
He saw his daddy 'hind the control board,
And he was very different tonight
'Cause he was not human, he was not human.

Little boy's face lit up with such naked joy
That the sun burned around his lids and his eyes were like two suns,
White lids, white opals, seeing everything just a little bit too clearly
And he looked around and there was no black ship in sight,
No black funeral cars, nothing except for him, the raven
And fell on his knees and looked up and cried out,
No, daddy, don't leave me here alone,
Take me up, daddy, to the belly of your ship,
Let the ship slide open and I'll go inside of it
Where you're not human, you are not human.

But nobody heard the boy's cry of alarm.
Nobody there 'cept for the birds around the New England farm
And they gathered in all directions, like roses they scattered
And they were like compass grass coming together into the head of a shaman bouquet
Slit in his nose and all the others went shooting
And he saw the lights of traffic beckoning like the hands of Blake
Grabbing at his cheeks, taking out his neck,
All his limbs, everything was twisted and he said,
I won't give up, won't give up, don't let me give up,
I won't give up, come here, let me go up fast,
Take me up quick, take me up, up to the belly of a ship
And the ship slides open and I go inside of it, where I am not human.

I am helium raven and this movie is mine,
So he cried out as he stretched the sky,
Pushing it all out like latex cartoon, am I all alone in this generation?
We'll just be dreaming of animation night and day
And won't let up, won't let up and I see them coming in,
Oh, I couldn't hear them before, but I hear 'em now,
It's a radar scope in all silver and all platinum lights
Moving in like black ships, they were moving in, streams of them,
And he put up his hands and he said, "It's me, it's me,
I'll give you my eyes, take me up, oh now please take me up,
I'm helium raven waitin' for you, please take me up,
Don't leave me here!"
The sun, the sign, the cross,
Like the shape of a tortured woman, the true shape of a tortured woman,
The mother standing in the doorway letting her sons
No longer presidents but prophets
They're all dreaming they're gonna bear the prophet,
He's gonna run through the fields dreaming in animation
It's all gonna split his skull
It's gonna come out like a black bouquet shining
Like a fist that's gonna shoot them up
Like light, like Mohamed Boxer
Take them up up up up up up
Oh, let's go up, up, take me up, I'll go up,
I'm going up, I'm going up
Take me up, I'm going up, I'll go up there
Go up go up go up go up up up up up up up
Up, up to the belly of a ship.
Let the ship slide open and we'll go inside of it
Where we are not human, we're not human.

Read more: Patti Smith - Birdland Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Posted - June 3, 2017


  • 6477
    Ahh songs have a meaning of their own :P We have to remember that some back in the 60s were written under the influence of hallucinogenics, and others are just plain weird!  So my thinking here is... well, there are worse :P

    This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at June 3, 2017 10:18 AM MDT
      June 3, 2017 10:16 AM MDT

  • 46117
    No.  I appreciate your skirting around what this is about.   I do.  I am the last person to criticize other people just reading a few lines and making a comment.

    I am the most guilty person on here regarding that.  I only read what I want and take it from there.  That is why I don't comment as a rule on large paragraphs that people write, although a lot of it is amazingly well-written.

    So, please don't think I am taking that stance.  But, you, of all people, would be someone I would like to READ this because you are a good thinker.

    This was written by someone who was not a huge druggie.  She was more of a POET extraordinare.  

    Yes, she probably got high, etc., but she was not known for being out there and making no sense.  Rather, she was known as a very intelligent, very gifted poetess.

    So, I really want to know what this damned song means.

    I think it is about a kid that lost his only source of structure and just went insane. 

    But, the coffins and the space ships are haunting me.   I love this song.

    And while I WORSHIP Sting and thank you for one of my favorite songs of his, he lacks the grit and deeper meanings that Ms. Smith delves into. 

    (I love him just as much as I love Patti though) This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 3, 2017 10:23 AM MDT
      June 3, 2017 10:21 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I read it.. but to be honest just found it a bit incoherent... in other words what I am saying is.. I didn't understand it either!  I get the gist.. it could have been inspired by a dream almost... it has that feel.. I didn't think *she* was a druggie, just saying that there are many songs that have weird lyrics that don't seem to make sense..  I am listening to a prog on Beatles.. tangerine... marmalade skies.. for example.. and I thought of the Police, aka walking on the moon, and another one that goes Da do do do da da da da!  
    I am familiar with patti smith, which would be rare for anyone else in the UK.. I have an awesome Canadian friend who shares music with me...and she introduced me to so many artists and songs that almost always become favourites... But.. in terms of making sense... well sometimes they just don't!  I've two friends who are both poets.. one I love and always get.. I would critique his poems for him.. another one.. I just haven't the faintest clue what he's on about :P 

    So yes, lol I skirted it a bit but i did also answer in a way.. that sometimes there is no definitive meaning.. sometimes we are supposed to make up our own...sometimes we just don't know what to think
      June 3, 2017 2:35 PM MDT

  • 11404
    And after the boy was done riding his shinny red tractor he saw horses - horses coming in from all directions - white shinny mares with their noise in flames - horses horses saying ah do you know how to Pony like Bonnie Marroney. Patti Smith helped me get threw the troubling times when my sons were teenagers - sometimes when they were whining too much I would crank up the stereo and say - what I can't hear you I'm listing to Patti Smith. Were invited to our sons house for a BBQ today so I must of done something right. Cheers and happy weekend!
      June 3, 2017 10:42 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yes.  Yes.  We both love and appreciate PATTY.  Can you tell me what this danged song means?
      June 3, 2017 10:45 AM MDT

    • The lyrics for this 9-minute jazzy tune are based upon A Book of Dreams a 1973 childhood memoir of radical Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich by his son Peter. Kate Bush's 1985 hit song "Cloudbusting" was inspired by the same book.
    • Patti Smith explained to The Observer: "There's a section in it where Peter describes a birthday party not long after his father died. He wandered outside and became convinced his father was coming down to get him and take him off in a spaceship.' But what he thought was a squadron of UFOs revealed itself to be a flock of blackbirds. 

      This story haunted me, and when we recorded 'Birdland,' which was totally improvised, that's where the track went to."
    • A motif runs through the song: "You are not human," which becomes "I am not human" and then "We are not human." Smith explained: "That's really talking about myself. From very early on in my childhood - four, five years old - I felt alien to the human race. I felt very comfortable with thinking I was from another planet, because I felt disconnected - I was very tall and skinny, and I didn't look like anybody else, I didn't even look like any member of my family."
    • Birdland was a popular jazz club that started in New York City on December 15, 1949. Located at 1678 Broadway, just north of West 52nd Street in Manhattan, it was popular with many of the writers of the Beat generation. The name was adopted to capitalize on the popularity of their regular headliner Charlie "Bird" Parker. Smith closes this song by saying "We like Birdland."
      June 3, 2017 11:01 AM MDT