Discussion»Questions»Entertainment» "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". "Keystone Kops". "Punch and Judy." "Dumb and Dumber". ENTERTAINMENT. D'ya want it in government?
We had chaos and insanity with Bush (W) and we had 8 years of mostly peace with Obama, without the Republicants destroying and controlling as much. But they still controlled everything Obama tried to accomplish.
Think McCain, Palin, Romney and the rest of the insane bunch that tried to grab the brass ring during the last few elections. These people are now IN POWER. They are never letting go. There are too many goons in power on their side now. This country has no chance to be America ever again.
I keep hoping that this will all blow up in Doofus Donny's face and the shakeup will be thunderous! Such evil as he has brought down upon us surely cannot continue. I have faith it won't. I have to. I don't know how to be hopeless Shar and I'm too old to learn how now. Thank you for your reply.
Well, Rosie, hopeless is not the way to go either. You are right there. Anytime I feel like all is lost, happily I find I am very often wrong. I pray I am wrong.
So much has and will continue to fall apart with Trump at the wheel. I absolutely do not want this buffoonery in government. I highly doubt you, nor many here will live long enough to see any real correction of a disciplined and trusted government. Please continue your daily rant if it makes you feel better.
Better in government than in my favourite football team. Inaccuracy is killing the MIGHTY Crows - never mind the side of a barn, last weekend they couldn't hit the side of an aircraft carrier.
The USA eliminated that when Obama left the White House, and you avoided more of it by not electing Hillary. I thought the category was Entertainment not Politics.