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Being charged/tried/convicted of obstruction of justice isn't as dire as being charged/tried/convicted of treason. Which will befall Trump?

I s'pose multiple charges could prevail simultaneously. Is there a limit to how many different crimes one person can be charged with at one time? Why?

Posted - June 8, 2017


  • 46117
    Well, maybe Treason holds the DEATH sentence?

    That would be so COOL. 

    He could be housed next to Scott Peterson.  It would make Scott look like the Arch Angel Gabriel next to this murderer.  Innocent people have been killed because he had to bomb their country.  He is dealing with Russia's DICTATOR.   He is in cahoots with Putin.  Behind our backs.  He will lie and backtrack until the cows come home.  He is loathed.  Maybe THIS time his luck has run out?  But I doubt it. 

    Here's why.  When you are backed by millions of no-minds being represented in the White House (is it still white? It should be painted SCARLETT RED) you cannot lose.   They will blindly follow whatever he is doing because they believe he is cleaning up the country and fixing the OBAMA problem. 

    That is what they want to believe.

    There is a Sheriff in Arizona.  Well, there WAS.  He was a racist pig.  He profiled Latinos and that was what finally brought him down.  He embezzled funds and did it for decades.  He was the worst Sheriff in the nation, yet people kept him in office because he was a white conservative Republican and the nonsense he spewed was just what old white idiots around here wanted to hear and they rule Arizona.  Now they have raised a group of greedy white entitled morons to carry the torch.   Anyway, he got away with atrocities for decades until he was FINALLY voted out of office and is FINALLY up on indictment charges.  

    My point?  As long as the power is behind Trump (and it IS) he is teflon.

    We even took precautions not to hurt anyone that was not involved with Bin Ladden when we went into Pakistan.  Bin LADDEN.   We made sure no one else was hurt.  Because we did not want to harm innocents and we did not want to cause a WAR between Pakistan and us.   What does Trump care if he causes a war?  He would preach that we NEED a war.  People would back it up.  Even when their sons start dying by the droves.

    Trump does not think past his next Media By-Line. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 8, 2017 12:01 PM MDT
      June 8, 2017 8:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did you watch/hear the Comey testimony? PURE GOLD. The lily-livered guys (Coates and Rogers) who refused to testify yesterday are punks/skunks/liars if omission is as bad as commission. I think it is. They stonewalled the Senators refusing to reply and were very adamant about it. What dumbsh** dumba** dumbums they are!  Comey made them all look/smell like rotten eggs. The stench/stink sticks to them like glue. Thank you for your thoughtful answer Shar. I disagree. Trump is going down. Bigtime. He has no friends. He is not liked. He is an angry isolated ignorant evil old man. When Putin has squeezed out everything he can from Trump he will toss him aside like a wrinkled dried up old hoor and never look back. Just wait. It's coming. Trump's lemming toadies tolerate him because they like the money and the notoriety. They too will pay for their bad decisions. They cast their bread upon polluted poisonous Trump waters. What did they expect they would get  back?
      June 8, 2017 12:12 PM MDT

  • 46117
    He will eventually go down. Of course.  But it may take a lot longer than we have time for. 

    You know, Rosie, if he does fall hard?   It would actually be worth this hideous election just to gloat.    JUST TO GLOAT. 

    I would gloat for ever and never ask to gloat again if I could but have that wish.
      June 8, 2017 12:19 PM MDT

  • 6988
    If Wm. Clinton got away with his silliness, certainly D.J. Trump can also.
      June 8, 2017 11:39 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Are you serious?   Screwing an intern who wanted it is TREASON?

    You need to set some priorities, here buddy.   That did great harm to his name and the fact that he was in Office.  But that was NOT treason.  What Linda TRIPP did was way worse.

    What a pig.  Ken Starr?  Did he care about the State of the Nation?  He cared about getting his fat ass in the papers and blowing hot air.  What a pig.

    Clinton?  All the good he did was tarnished because he thought with Little Bill.  Really impossible to defend, but hardly Treason.
      June 8, 2017 11:43 AM MDT

  • 6988
    'Little Bill' !    Hehehehehehe, hahahaha! 
      June 8, 2017 11:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You are equating a snowflake with a massive n'oreaster that takes lives bh. You don't really expect anyone to believe there is an equivalency here do you?  NOW THAT is definitely the silliest sillliness. Only a sillybilly would think that. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.
      June 8, 2017 12:00 PM MDT

  • 46117
    This is exactly why Trumps get elected, Rosie.  People do not know the meaning of words any longer. 

    They cannot tell what Trump is like from what Clinton is like?  

    Really.  Neither are hardly role models.  But Clinton is miles above that waste of space.  He had class, he had dignity and he had his eye on improving the nation with the people's desires in tune with his desire to preside in office.
      June 8, 2017 12:21 PM MDT