Discussion»Questions»Emotions» Are you drawn to INARTICULATE tough-speaking/tough acting TUFF GUY POLS? Do they ring your chimes, float your boat, turn you on? Why?
Oh. I was more than just drawn! JFK. Bobby Kennedy. Barack Obama. I was. Different strokes. It broke my heart when JFK was assassinated. When Bobby was murdered I felt such a deep loss for what might have been had he been elected prez. I enjoyed having Obama as our prez. He did disappoint me at times but I never felt that he was my enemy. Doofus Donny is definitely evil and the worst enemy America has ever faced. But I digress. Thank you for your reply. We are different you and I. Thee and me. We are different. :)
JFK. Bobby Kennedy. Barack Obama. I was more than drawn to them but they were the antithesis of Doofus Donny, the evil tuff-guy wannabe currently making our lives a nightmare Spunky. I think the description in my question fits him perfectly. All of Donny's worshippers admire the guy. I will never understand why. He is such a big fat zero as a person but the power he wields? That scares me greatly. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
I know. Doofus Donny...the bull in the china shop...keeps destroying everything he touches wantonly/promiscuously and no one has the courage to just stop him. No one. Woe is us! Thank you for your reply Spunky! :)