As an experiment, a student and I put her pet cockroach into my lab's vacuum chamber and turned it on until the roach expanded to twice its size. I the released the vacuum to room pressure and went to the office to take care of some business. When I returned the roach was alive and well.
For real or is this just a tease Ele? That sounds suspiciously like something out of a scifi short story. If the expanded to twice its size there must have been some change/effect that the roach experienced. I'm trying to process what you said and I'm having difficulty with it. Thank you for your reply! :)
I shall have to Google it JakobA which I shall when I've finished replying. I did look up Arrhenius in Webster's Dictionary and learned that Svante August Arrhenius was a Swedish Physicist and Chemist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1903! I know you know that but I just wanted you to know that now I know that too because of you! I had never heard of him before but this is really exciting to me. I'm an avid fan of scifi and quantum physics as you probably know by now and so travel from one plant to another without a spaceship? WHOA! Thank you for your reply. I LOVE learning about things I don't know. There are tons of them! I appreciate your opening a new door for me to go through and see what lies on the other side of it! :).