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Trump, Liar. Wife - Speech Thief. I mean really. Can they sink any LOWER?

Posted - July 19, 2016


  • It was one paragraph get over it.

      July 21, 2016 3:11 PM MDT

  • 46117


    NO actually it was TWO long paragraphs.   It was the basis of her speech.  I am totally over it.  Thank goodness the media does not agree with you.  They are not letting this go.

    You can say what you will to deflect and deny that is what people like you do about anything that challenges your silly ideas of what a political candidate even looks like.  I get it.  But I am not over anything Trump or the Republican party because even though you are clueless we are on a brink of disaster here that these Bozos are steering us right into.

    People like you will continue to deny and blame until the cows come home.

    She is a distant memory to me now and hopefully, soon Trump will be as well.  FINGERS CROSSED.

      July 21, 2016 3:22 PM MDT

  • 1615

    You are finally starting to see that Hillary is a air head congratulations.

      July 22, 2016 7:46 AM MDT

  • 1615

    Calm down you're acting like Hillary did just before she lost it and became a full fledged imbecile and bought her first broom to ride on.  Watch closely she will be riding it to the convention she will be the one in a pants suit. 

      July 22, 2016 8:06 AM MDT

  • 1615

    Look up the words liar and crooked in the dictionary and you will see Hillary's picture, who would of guessed?  

      July 23, 2016 9:08 AM MDT