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How do you stay fit/healthy?

I asked this recently but it was more, do you stay fit for health, or looks? Today I'm wondering WHAT you do to stay fit or healthy? I know what helps me lose weight, but it is so much work.... at least 40 mins. cardio 4 times a week, OR eating ONLY 1200 calories a day:/ I haven't had any motivation to do either... but I want to.

Posted - June 22, 2017


  • 6124
    I do cardio & weights along with swimming about 5 times a week now.  Had a bit of a problem over the winter but right now I am almost back to where I should be.  It does help to have a workout partner who won't bail on you and is as motivated as you are.  
      June 22, 2017 7:39 PM MDT

  • 1138
    That is amazing!! Wow.. nice :) I know I need to either cut calories, or work out, yet its hard to find any motivation... I've had PTSD/anxiety with dating, so trying to stay fit for aesthetics isn't priority, just trying to get through the day is. So I feel like when I like 'me' I'll feel incentive to be healthy, lose a few lbs., yet when will that be??? I wish we could all be like my grandmother though, she is 91 and NEVER ever exercised.  Just walked here or there, not far. She is healthy and still kickin lol. She did eat a lot of olive oil and fish though.. maybe that IS the secret lol. Ty Harry, I love swimming too ... glad it is summer :)
      June 22, 2017 7:45 PM MDT

  • 6124
    You're welcome Baybreeze.  I wish I could be like your grandmother too.  I do eat a lot of olive oil though.  Maybe not as much fish as I should but I try to have it at least once a week.
      June 22, 2017 7:53 PM MDT

  • I do a lot of biking (just recently I went on a 20-mile ride) and I do a lot of hiking as well. I try to eat healthier sometimes, but I'm not the most healthy eater. 
      June 22, 2017 8:18 PM MDT

  • 11584
    If you start moving more and pay attention to what your body needs in terms of fuel, it's not that hard. The more you move the more you want to move. The more you want to move the better food choices you will make because your body can't run on junk food.
      June 23, 2017 11:51 AM MDT

  • 1138
    The thing is Jane, when you don't even feel you have any foundation/self, you don't 'care' about moving. It's just getting through the day really. You don't care what special healthy food you have at each meal, although I will say I do have at least one healthy meal a day, it's just trying to stop those extra snacks :( Sometimes I feel when will i ever feel a 'me' at all to feel I can have what normal ppl have, (joy, love, a house, etc.)? So then wehn I feel down I eat an extra cookie, or whatever. I am starting therapy soon so I hope I can get some motivation to want to BE me... then actually work out like I used to. You are right when you said that is what food is.. fuel. I think I have to remember that MOST.. food is not my friend when I feel sad, it is my fuel and that is IT. Thx :)
      June 23, 2017 6:55 PM MDT

  • 11584
    Remember that action precedes interest. If you wait until you feel like, it won't happen. Just move a little bit more each day, don't start out with 40 minutes of cardio and you will naturally start doing more and more. And as I've learned, when you're more active, you will be less depressed. 
      June 24, 2017 4:57 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i try not to eat so much junk so i can lose weight especially now that im prediabetic
      June 23, 2017 3:46 PM MDT

  • 44761
    Lifting beer cans. I exercise my eyes watching my wife push the lawn mower. My right thumb gets a lot of workouts with the TV remote.
      June 23, 2017 6:48 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Haha... yeah :P It reminds me of when Mario Batali ( celebrity chef) was on the road show he used to do.. he was at a bar in a restaurant, and his friend said 'I just went to the hotel gym.. have you been yet?' or something to that effect. He replies, 'Yes! Here's my gym workout.. ' (picking up a tropical drink in each hand) 'One, two, One , two..' (lifting each one to his mouth and down) LOL.
      June 23, 2017 6:59 PM MDT