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Discussion » Questions » Finance » A head of state said he doesn't want a poor person running the economy of the country. He is being HONEST about this isn't he?

A head of state said he doesn't want a poor person running the economy of the country. He is being HONEST about this isn't he?

I expect he got sick and tired of being asked why he only has extremely wealthy people in charge of the US economy and so to justify his choices and put to bed what's been said he tells us that he trusts the rich to work in the nation's economic best interests. Now do you too? The rich are used to working in their own best interests so can they make the switch to putting the public's  best interests and country's best interests ahead of their own when their entire lives have been spent building wealth for themselves? How and why should they?

Posted - June 24, 2017


  • 22891
      June 24, 2017 2:37 PM MDT