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Ever experience a feeling of being/becoming trapped?

Whether figuratively or literally....? I often decline things with friends b/c sometimes I get a feeling of feeling trapped, similar to when some people fear or avoid open spaces b/c they feel small or inhibited perhaps? (same with the fear of closed spaces). I am entering therapy soon, but was curious if anyone has also had this type of irrational fear... I know a lot of it stems from my feeling very low confidence, and I don't speak up with friends sometimes for fear they'd find me argumentative or controlling.  I want to overcome this, so any others who have felt it (whether figuratively in a relationship, or when out with someone physically) feel free to share or comment.. Ty

Posted - June 25, 2017


  • Yes. Trapped in an endless cycle of empty jobs.  Trapped in depression.  Trapped by poor decisions.
      June 25, 2017 7:32 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Ugh I hear you. Those decisions that were once poor can be made anew though; or at least ones from here on can be different, thoughtful... I'm similar to you in that I feel trapped in not so much depression, but anxiety. I get so anxious even thinking about dating or even simple activities that are kind of far away with friends , I just decline :/  It's mainly b/c I feel like I need to keep pleasing people (say yes to whatever they want to do, go along with what they're saying etc.) and then I feel even physically trapped.. like I don't have a 'me' to stand up for .... Do you feel depressed by a certain situation, or just about the decisions from past?
      June 25, 2017 8:36 PM MDT

  • Yes, mostly from the effects of past poor decisions.  This has changed for the better in the last few years.  However one does not easily escape the past.
      June 25, 2017 8:44 PM MDT

  • 22891
    yes, i feel trapped having to listen to all the construction going on outside, cant just go spend money somewheres cause im out of work and it makes me feel trapped being forced to listen to it
      June 26, 2017 2:56 PM MDT