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What is the strangest thing that has happened to you or witnessed, at a bar/club?

I'll never forget a couple years ago I was at my fave. Karaoke bar and my friend had left the table for a few. Some random guy comes up to me , says Can I sit here? and I replied, Yes. He starts talking just chit/chat stuff and then starts trying to get me up to dance. I like to dance but I just felt so self conscious I kept saying no, not now. He made a pouty face and then pulls up his shirt in front of me, right up to his chin, and starts dancing right THERE in front of me, rubbing his belly at the same time!! Oh Wow-  my friend came back and said, 'What the hell???' hahahaha

Posted - June 30, 2017


  • 46117
    Coming out of a bar one time, I was followed by a strange guy.  Very strange guy.  I could not get rid of him.  He kept walking and talking and I was on my way home.   I  finally asked him, why.  Why was he following me?  He and I stopped, I was getting very angry. I was not scared, he was kind of a dorky, chubby little fellow and he was just kind of a pest.  Not threatening.  So I was getting very aggravated and all of a sudden I look up and the street light is ....

    I have to explain this because it is not going to make sense.   The light at the top of the pole was circling around and around instead of staying put on the post.   It was not physically logical. I was taken out of the realm of sane and put in another dimension.

    I was totally sober.  I cannot explain this.   When I asked the dork man if he was seeing this, he said yes, sure.  I asked him what was happening???? And he shrugged and said "this always happens to me".

    That was 30 years ago now and I still remember it like it was yesterday.   That light came off the lampost and spun around for a good five minutes at least.  I am not making this up.  Then it went back. 

    I was sober and I was not doing LSD or anything mind-altering.   I do know the difference. 

      June 30, 2017 10:07 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Wow that really WAS strange!! I have no idea why it would pop off like that, and then just go back on... interesting. That def. tops my strange-belly-rubbing-guy-lifting his -shirt-up standing-over-me night LOL. Would be cool to find out WHAT made the light do that o.O
      June 30, 2017 11:31 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont go to bars or clubs
      July 1, 2017 2:31 PM MDT