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Discussion » Questions » Holidays » I don't know if the Founding Fathers would be proud of the U.S today but shouldn't they be considering the mess they left behind?

I don't know if the Founding Fathers would be proud of the U.S today but shouldn't they be considering the mess they left behind?

.. but may God bless'em.

Posted - June 30, 2017


  • 46117

    They did their best with the equipment that they had.   I think there was a lot of integrity and spirituality surrounding all of them.  Not as imperfect individuals, but as a whole they were a lofty bunch who wanted what they thought was best.  Nowadays, lying, cheating and stealing is the order of the day.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 30, 2017 11:07 PM MDT
      June 30, 2017 9:40 PM MDT

  • 22891
      July 1, 2017 2:27 PM MDT