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There is a learning curve inherent in everything including life. Where are you on that curve and how long before you move on?

Posted - July 9, 2017


  • 19937
    I'm a pretty quick learner so long as it doesn't involve math in any form.  Happy Sunday, Rosie. :)
      July 9, 2017 7:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
     I'm AC/DC Spunky. Some things I simply don't get and others I can grasp quickly/totally/correctly. I'm a retired Internal Auditor so math was not my problem. But some concepts I simply don't get though I try. For example how can otherwise average people vote for someone like a Donald Trump? 62 million of them did just that. I will never be able to wrap my head around that. Also how can they turn a bllnd eye to provable lies and insist the lies are true and truth is simply fake news? That's a doozie for me! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      July 9, 2017 7:55 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I agree that it is difficult to fathom how Trump could have wound up as president. 
      July 9, 2017 7:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    D'ya think we're EVER gonna figure it out Spunky? :(
      July 9, 2017 8:05 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Not likely, but I do think that there is a fairly large number that voted for him simply because they didn't like Clinton or because they were tired of the democrats being in charge. 
      July 9, 2017 8:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I hope they're satisfied with what they did. I hope they embrace all the consequences of their choice and that they stand by their man as he takes us all over the cliff to our destruction. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Spunky!  :)
      July 10, 2017 3:27 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I agree.  What baffles me more is that his own party has permitted him to get away with so much nonsense.  Do they think it's going to help them in the 2018 elections?  Happy Monday. :)
      July 10, 2017 6:55 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Society (Republican Tea Partiy mostly, but let's not exclude most of Russia and China and North Korea as well) and I can be defined as a less retarded person in a classroom of severely retarded people.

    I am not smart, but compared to everyone else?  I am Albert Einstein.  SO, since we are surrounded by a sea of idiots, I am staying barely afloat and praying that the rest of these bufoons will some day catch up.

      July 9, 2017 7:40 AM MDT

  • 22891
    im lost on that curve
      July 9, 2017 9:50 AM MDT

  • 10052
    It varies. Some days I feel I'm around 75%, others, more like 10%. I really hope I'm on the lower end, because I've learned to embrace and enjoy this ride and I hope I've got a lot more time and open-mindedness to keep at it for at least another 30-40 years. 

    Happy Sunday, Rosie! 
      July 9, 2017 9:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I hope so too m'dear! Thank you for your  reply SA and for the Happy Sunday! :)
      July 10, 2017 3:28 AM MDT