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Would Americans not elect the party of their choice if the candidate's spouse did not please them?

How serious is it if the potential First Lady cannot write her own speech?

Posted - July 21, 2016


  • 7939

    I don't think the speech snafu is changing anyone's mind. It's just shocking when this sort of thing happens.

      July 21, 2016 3:57 AM MDT

  • The racism of both of them is a serious concern.

    Certainly, the things I've heard him say about Hispanics and Arabs display extraordinary ignorance and lack of understanding. He's probably said just as stupid things about every ethnic group except whites. He needs an immersion bath in reality.

    He needs an immersion bath in reality.

    He might not be Hitler, but it's possible that the effects of a racist president could be nearly as bad.

    What ever happened to America as the great racial melting pot of the world?

    Was it only ever an illusion?

    Or do most people live in peace, and somehow now, economic pressures push tensions to a dangerous edge?

    The recent shooting of an unarmed therapist by police! There have been too many such incidents recently, where even one would be too much. Why is no official action being taken to prevent it? It's completely outrageous and if something isn't done by authorities to curb police behaviour immediately, the trouble is likely to escalate.

      July 21, 2016 7:02 PM MDT